Photo of Logan Cochrane

Logan Cochrane

Food security; Climate change; Agriculture; East Africa; Ethiopia

Department: Global and International Studies


Courses: GINS 2000B: Ethics and Globalization; GINS 4090E: Dynamics of Poverty and Inequality

Selected Publications

Cochrane, L. (2018) Food Security in Ethiopia: Review of Research, 2005-2016. Ethiopian Journal of Applied Sciences and Technology 9: 1-11.

Cochrane, L. and Nigussie, Z. (2018) The State of Knowledge on Food Security in Ethiopia: Knowledge Production and Publication Accessibility. Journal of Rural and Community Development 13(3): 152-166.

Cochrane, L. and Cafer, A. (2018) Does Diversification Enhance Community Resilience? A Critical Perspective. Resilience 6(2): 129-143.