

2018 Cover Photo of Kamari Clarke

January / February 2018

  • Kamari Clarke, Africa and the International Criminal Court
  • Career Paths: Canada’s Ambassador to Italy
  • A Career in Indigenous Health Leads to a PHD


2017 Cover image

November / December 2017

  • Challenging Over-Incarceration: Indigenous Stories in the Courtroom
  • Repairing Fractured Food Systems

September / October 2017

  • Is it the End of Free Trade?
  • Mapping Out the Life of a Northerner
  • Career Paths: Greg IP, The Wall Street Journal

June 2017

  • Graduates Who Are Making a Difference: From Homeless Shelters to Parliament Hill

March / April 2017

  • Momentum Builds as Canada Leads World on Refugee File
  • Carleton Hosts Global Collaboration

January / February 2017

  • Taking Climate Policy in a New Direction
  • Sharing our Vision for Canada’s Future


2016 cover image

November / December 2016

  • Randy Boswell: Journalism that Rewrites History
  • Ummni Khan: Shifting Views on Sexuality
  • Gilbert Whiteduck: On the Road of Love and Hope

September / October 2016

  • Stephen Saideman: The World According to Trump
  • Meet Our New Faculty
  • Heather Gilberds: Using Community Radio in Emergencies

June 2016

  • Sara & Modar Saleh: A Syrian Success Story
  • Katie Durvin: On Women Refugees
  • Our Top Grads for 2016

April / May 2016

  • Benjamin Woo: Comics Matter
  • Evelyn Maeder: Race in the Courtroom
  • John Nater: A Farmer Turns MP

February/March 2016

  • Joan DeBardeleben: Deep Freeze Between Europe and Russia
  • Susan Braedley: How Firefighting has Changes
  • Marc-André Gagnon: Why Canada Needs Pharmacare

January 2016

  • Collaborate: The Carleton University Campaign


2015 cover image

November / December 2015

  • The FPA Research Journey: Professor Cristina Rojas in Bolivia
  • Exploring Kyrgyzstan to Brazil

October 2015

  • The Undergraduate Recruitment Issue

September 2015

  • Bill Cross: Why the 2015 Election Will Make History
  • Field Notes: Women Miners in Africa
  • Career Paths: A Kiwi Economist

June 2015

  • Robyn Gibbard: Lessons from a Cuban Hospital
  • Graduate Advice for Future Carleton Students
  • Our Grads on Global Issues
  • Alibek Sergaliyev: Why Kazakhstan is nothing like Borat

April 2015

  • Roberta Kramchynsky: My Career Path
  • Teddy Samy: Field Notes
  • Marilyn Ginder: On Tough Love

March 2015

  • Piotr Dutkiewicz: On Russia’s Silent Majority
  • Radovan Vadovic Builds a Unique Economics Labaratory
  • Nejolla Korris Uncovers International Fraud