Skill Pathway: Research Management

Career Readiness Competencies: Research & Analysis

Duration: 60 minutes  

Workshop Description

Searching the grey literature is an important part of conducting a systematic, scoping, or other comprehensive literature review. However, grey literature can often be tricky and overwhelming to search. This workshop will provide students with a greater understanding of how grey literature is defined, the benefits of searching it, and links to a number of useful sites providing access to resources relevant to students in different fields. The workshop will have a hands-on component. 

Learning Outcomes

(1) Define what grey literature is and is not

(2) Justify why it is important to search grey literature when conducting knowledge syntheses

(3) Identify key grey literature sources

(4) Select grey literature sources specific to a topic and begin creating a search plan

(5) Articulate the process involved with producing a well-documented and transparent grey literature search