Four Different Degree Streams

Detailed information on degree requirements may be found at the Greek and Roman Studies entry in the Carleton Undergraduate Calendar.


The Honours degree in Greek and Roman Studies consists of 10 credits in GRS and 10 electives, over four years. A credit at Carleton is one full-year course, or two semester-long courses.

Year One Year Two Year Three Year Four
Greek or Latin 2000-level Classics, Greek, or Latin 3000-level+ Classics, Greek, or Latin 4000-level Classics, Greek, or Latin
Classics, Greek, or Latin 2000-level Classics, Greek, or Latin 3000-level+ Classics, Greek, or Latin Classics, Greek, or Latin
Free elective 2000-level Classics, Greek, or Latin Classics, Greek, or Latin Free elective
Non-Classics elective Non-Classics elective Non-Classics elective Non-Classics elective
Non-Classics elective Non-Classics elective Non-Classics elective Non-Classics elective
The Acropolis at night, Athens

The Acropolis at night, Athens

Combined Honours

A Combined Honours consists of 7 credits in Greek and Roman Studies, and must be taken along with normally 6 or 7 credits in the second combined honours subject.

Year One Year Two Year Three Year Four
Greek or Latin 2000-level Classics, Greek, or Latin 3000-level+ Classics, Greek, or Latin 4000-level Classics, Greek, or Latin
Classics, Greek, or Latin 2000-level Classics, Greek, or Latin 3000-level+ Classics, Greek, or Latin Free elective
Second Honours subject Second Honours subject Second Honours subject Second Honours subject
Elective (Not GRS or 2nd Hons subject) Second Honours subject Second Honours subject Second Honours subject
Elective (Not GRS or 2nd Hons subject) Elective (Not GRS or 2nd Hons subject) Elective (Not GRS or 2nd Hons subject) Elective (Not GRS or 2nd Hons subject)
Sculpture of Apollo and Daphne by Bernini. Museo Borghese, Rome

Sculpture of Apollo and Daphne by Bernini. Galleria Borghese, Rome

Suggested Combinations for Greek and Roman Studies

Greek and Roman Studies make an ideal combination with many subjects at Carleton.

  • Many students in the Bachelor of Humanities Great Books Program combine their study of the intellectual history of Western culture with the focus on the Ancient World offered by Greek and Roman Studies.
  • Greek and Roman Studies allows students in English to have insight into the many classical references and themes in the great works of English Literature.
  • Greek and Roman Studies allows students in History to give an Ancient focus to their historical work.
  • Greek and Roman Studies allows students in Philosophy or in Political Theory to understand the cultural context of Ancient and Medieval thought.
  • Greek and Roman Studies allows students in Religion to understand the social and political context which gave rise to the three great Abrahamic Religions, as well as giving insight into Greek and Roman religion itself.
  • Greek and Roman Studies allows students in Art History to focus on Ancient art and its influence on later art forms such as Renaissance sculpture and Neoclassical architecture.
  • The study of Greek and/or Latin allows students in all of these fields to work with the primary texts themselves.
The British Museum, London

The British Museum, London

Greek and Roman Studies B.A.

The Greek and Roman Studies B.A. in Greek and Roman Studies consists of 6 credits in GRS and 9 electives over three years.

Year One Year Two Year Three
Classics, Greek, or Latin 2000-level Classics, Greek, or Latin 3000-level Classics, Greek, or Latin
Free elective 2000-level Classics, Greek, or Latin 3000-level Classics, Greek, or Latin
Elective (Not GRS or 2nd Hons subject) 2000-level Classics, Greek, or Latin Free elective
Elective (Not GRS or 2nd Hons subject) Elective (Not GRS or 2nd Hons subject) Elective (Not GRS or 2nd Hons subject)
Elective (Not GRS or 2nd Hons subject) Elective (Not GRS or 2nd Hons subject) Elective (Not GRS or 2nd Hons subject)
Augustus Caesar. National Archaeological Museum, Athens.

Augustus Caesar. National Archaeological Museum, Athens.


The Minor in Greek and Roman Studies consists of 4 credits in GRS, and is taken as an addition to your primary degree.

  • 2.0 credits in Greek and Roman Studies at any level
  • 1.0 credit in Greek and Roman Studies at the 2000-level or above
  • 1.0 credit in Greek and Roman Studies at the 3000-level or above
Mushussu Dragon, Ishtar Gate from Bablylon (Istanbul Archaeological Museum)

Mushussu Dragon, Ishtar Gate (Bablylon). Istanbul Archaeological Museum.

Minor in Archaeology

The Minor in Archaeology consists of 4 credits:
1. 1.0 credit in CLCV 1008 and CLCV 1009
2. 1.0 credit in approved electives at the 2000 level
3. 1.0 credit in approved electives at the 3000 level
4. 1.0 credit in approved electives at any level
5. The remaining requirements of the major discipline(s) and degree must be satisfied.
Link to page with more detailed course information.

Observations and reflections of Carleton students undertaking archaeological fieldwork around the world in the summer of 2023.
For blogs from students’ fieldwork in the summers of 2015-2022 see the Archive tab.

Students excavating

Students excavate rubble wall features and Roman roads in Italy

More about what you will study

About Greek and Roman Studies Student Life