people-learning_310x240The goal of the Research Ethics Institute is to ensure respectful engagement along with informative protocol guidelines that are conducted when engaging with Indigenous peoples. Participants work through tasks developed within scenarios to gain experience in common situations that occur within communities. The participants are encouraged to provide an overview of their completed task to a mock Research Ethics Board (REB) who will constructively give feedback. This valuable experience will ensure that the perspectives of how to conduct research in an ethical manner are highlighted. It also prepares researchers/students by teaching them how to engage in meaningful practices with  the goal of reconciling relationships.

20160610_101520[1] 20160610_101534[1] Throughout the week, participants were asked to draw images onto a wooden paddle. The value of these paddles signified the importance of how pathways are steered in different directions at all times. Although our participants come from different walks of life, we acknowledge that we are all here for the same reason, to ensure that bridges are built between Indigenous and non-Indigenous people with a good heart.