Early this year, Anastassia Gharib was appointed as the 2021 Chair of Regional Coordinators Subcommittee for Women in Engineering (WIE) of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). Gharib is the first woman in Canada to receive this position. This prestigious role highlights numerous achievements of Gharib in recent years in recognition of her outstanding contributions to the support of women in engineering. As part of her new role at IEEE WIE, Gharib plans to harmonize the operation of IEEE WIE Regional Committees, promote international collaborations, and nurture future women in engineering leaders. Gharib is a PhD Candidate in Electrical and Computer Engineering at Department of Systems and Computer Engineering, Carleton University. She is part of the research team at Sensor Systems and Internet of Things Laboratory, Carleton University.

More details at IEEE WIE website: Anastassia Gharib, IEEE WIE Voting Committee 2021