The CISCO Industrial Research Chair Professor Mohamed Ibnkahla was invited to give a Keynote Talk, titled by “IoT, AI, and Big Data in a pandemic era“, for The International Conference on Communication and Signal Processing & Information Technology (CSP), which is a part of the 18th IEEE International Multi-Conference on Systems, Signals & Devices 2021 (SSD 2021). The (CSP-SSD 2021) took place online, Monastir, Tunisia, between March 22-25, 2021.

The Internet of Things (IoT), Big Data, and Artificial Intelligence (AI) have been proven to enhance many aspects of our life including the economy, healthcare, security, education, etc. The recent outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic has demonstrated how these technologies are needed more than any precedent time and how they impact every aspect of our society. The talk emphasized the role that these technologies are expected to play in a pandemic world, and the impact that they will have not only on the health sector but also on individual lives (through smart home technologies for example), education (e.g., remote learning and remote labs and testbeds), transportation (intelligent transportation systems), economy, governance, security, etc. Finally, the technical challenges and requirements of these technologies, as well as some results and demos from the IoT Lab at Carleton University was presented and discussed.

The attendees appreciated the rich talk and showed a great interest in the research Carleton IoT lab works on in the areas of IoT, AI, and Big Data.

More details about the Keynote Talk: IoT, AI, and Big Data in a pandemic era
More details about The International Conference on Communication and Signal Processing & Information Technologys
More details about The 18th IEEE International Multi-Conference on Systems, Signals & Devices 2021