Anastassia Gharib, a PhD student at Carleton University’s Sensor Systems and Internet of Things Lab within Systems and Computer Engineering Department, is the first person to receive the IEEE Women In Engineering (WIE) Committee Outstanding Volunteer of the Year Award “for her contributions to build a stronger and sustainable structure of WIE Regional operations”. Established in 2021, this award is given at the discretion of the IEEE WIE Chair. Anastassia has been chosen out of more than 50 IEEE WIE volunteers at the global level. The award ceremony recording is available at the link below (see 29:33 – 31:44 for the award announcement and acceptance). Since the beginning of 2021, Anastassia had a privilege to serve as an IEEE WIE Voting Committee Member and the Chair of IEEE WIE Regional Coordinators Subcommittee. In 2022, Anastassia will continue to serve as an IEEE WIE Voting Committee Member and a volunteer with her new role as an IEEE WIE Technical Activities Representative – Society & Council Coordinators Chair.

For more details: The IEEE WIE 2021 Award Ceremony Link