Dr. Zied Bouida
Postdoctoral Fellow, Technical Manager
Degrees: | Ph.D. (Concordia University, Montreal, Canada) |
Phone: | 613-520-2600 x 8281 |
Email: | ziedbouida@sce.carleton.ca, bouidazied@ieee.org |
Office: | Mackenzie Building ME Lab 2455, Carleton University. |
Website: | https://scholar.google.com/bouidazied |
LinkedIn: | Connect |
Zied Bouida received the Diplôme d’Ingénieur degree (B.Sc.) in communications engineering from École Supérieure des Communications de Tunis (Sup’Com), Tunis, Tunisia, in June 2007. He received the Master of Science degree (M.Sc.) in Electrical Engineering from Texas A&M University (TAMU), College Station, TX, in August 2009. He earned the Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) degree from the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Concordia University, Montreal, Canada, in January 2015. He is currently a postdoctoral research fellow at the systems and computer engineering department at Carleton University where he is also serving as the technical manager of the sensor systems and internet of things lab. Before joining the SCE department at Carleton, Dr. Zied Bouida worked as a Post-Doctoral Research Associate with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Texas A&M University at Qatar.
Research Interests
Dr. Zied Bouida’s research interests include the performance analysis of wireless communication systems, energy-efficient communication, smart-grid systems, cognitive radio systems, big data analytics, and IoT applications.
- Z. Bouida, M.-S. Alouini, and K. A. Qaraqe, “Joint Diversity Combining, Adaptive Modulation, and Power Control: Performance Analysis,” LAMBERT Academic Publishing, ISBN-10: 844397477, ISBN-13: 978-3844397475, March 2011.
- Z. Bouida, A. Ghrayeb, and K. A. Qaraqe, “Spatial Modulation for Cognitive Radio Systems,” LAMBERT Academic Publishing, ISBN-10: 3659780073, ISBN-13: 978-3659780073, January 2016. Ebook available here https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/4553186/Bouida.pdf
- Z. Bouida, J. Fattahi, A. Ahmed, M. Ibnkahla, H. Schriemer, and R. Abdullah, “Smart Grid Communication Based on IEEE 2030 Standard,” Encyclopedia of Wireless Networks, Springer International Publishing, 2018, pp. 1–7.
- Z. Bouida, A. Stavridis, A. Ghrayeb, H. Haas, M. Hasna, and M. Ibnkahla, “Precoding-Aided Spatial Modulation for the Wiretap Channel with Relay Selection and Cooperative Jamming,” Proc. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Volume 2018, Article ID 8407297, 11 pages
- Z. Bouida, H. El-Sallabi, M. Abdallah, A. Ghrayeb, and K. A. Qaraqe, “Reconfigurable Antenna-Based Space-Shift Keying for Spectrum Sharing Systems under Rician Fading,” IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 64, no. 9, pp. 3970-3980, Sept. 2016.
- Z. Bouida, H. El-Sallabi, A. Ghrayeb, and K. A. Qaraqe, “Reconfigurable Antenna-based Space-Shift Keying (SSK) for MIMO Channels,” IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol.15, no. 1, pp. 446-457, January 2016.
- Z. Bouida, A. Ghrayeb, and K. A. Qaraqe, “Adaptive Spatial Modulation for Spectrum SharingSystems with Limited Feedback,” IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 63, no. 6, pp.2001-2014, June 2015.
- Z. Bouida, A. Ghrayeb, K. A. Qaraqe, and M.-S. Alouini, “Adaptive Transmission Schemes forMISO Spectrum Sharing Systems: Tradeoffs and Performance Analysis,” IEEE Transactions onWireless Communications, vol. 13, no. 10, pp. 5352-5365, October 2014.
- Z. Bouida, K. Tourki, A. Ghrayeb, K. A. Qaraqe, and M.-S. Alouini, “Power Adaptation for Joint Switched Diversity and Adaptive Modulation Schemes in Spectrum Sharing Systems,” IEEE Communication Letters, vol. 16, no. 9, pp. 1482-1485, September 2012.
- Z. Bouida, K. A. Qaraqe, M. Abdallah, and M.-S. Alouini, “Performance Analysis of Joint Multi-Branch Switched Diversity and Adaptive Modulation Schemes for Spectrum Sharing Systems,” IEEETransactions on Communications, vol. 60, no. 12, pp. 3609-3619, December 2012.
- K. A. Qaraqe, Z. Bouida, and M.-S. Alouini, “Performance Analysis of Joint Diversity Combining, Adaptive Modulation, and Power Control Schemes,” IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol.59, no. 1, pp. 106-115, January 2011.
- Z. Bouida, N. Belhaj, M.-S. Alouini, and K. A. Qaraqe, “Minimum Selection GSC with Down-LinkPower Control” IEEE Trans. on Wireless Commun., vol. 7, no. 7, pp. 2492-2501, July 2008.
- Y. Rafique, Z. Bouida, and M. Ibnkahla, “Optimized Channel-Aware Scheduling for Heterogeneous Internet of Things,” Proc. 2019 IEEE Wireless Comm. & Networking Conf (WCNC’19), Marrakech, Morocco, pp. 1-6, April 2019.
- K. Arab, Z. Bouida, and M. Ibnkahla, “Artificial Intelligence for Diabetes Mellitus Type II: Forecasting and Anomaly Detection,” Proc. 2019 IEEE Wireless Comm. & Networking Conf (WCNC’19), Marrakech, Morocco, pp. 1-6, April 2019.
- J. Kerkhoven, N. Charlebois, A. Robertson, B. Gibson, A. Ahmed, Z. Bouida, and M. Ibnkahla, “IPv6-Based Smart Grid Communication System over 6LoW-PAN,” Proc. 2019 IEEE Wireless Comm. & Networking Conf (WCNC’19), Marrakech, Morocco, pp. 1-6, April 2019.
- M. Ghalib, A. Ahmed, I. Al-Shiab, Z. Bouida, and M. Ibnkahla, “Implementation of a Smart Grid Communication System Compliant with IEEE 2030.5,” 4th ICC International Workshop on Integrating Communications, Control, and Computing Technologies for Smart Grid, Kansas City, MO, USA, pp. 1-6, May 2018.
- A. Ahmed, K. Arab, Z. Bouida, and M. Ibnkahla, “Data Communication and Analytics for Smart Grid Systems,” Proc 2018 IEEE International Conf. on Communications (ICC’18), Kansas City, MO, USA, pp. 1-7, May 2018.
- Z. Bouida, A. Gharib, and M. Ibnkahla, “Secondary System’s Scheduling Using Precoding-Aided Space Shift Keying for Overlay Cognitive Radio,” Proc. 2018 IEEE Wireless Comm. & Networking Conf (WCNC’18), Barcelona, Spain, pp. 1-5, April 2018.
- Z. Bouida, A. Stavridis, A. Ghrayeb, H. Haas, and M. Hasna, “Precoded spatial modulation for the wiretap channel with relay selection and cooperative jamming,” Proc. 2017 IEEE Wireless Comm. & Networking Conf (WCNC’17), San Francisco, CA, USA, Mar. 2017, pp. 1-6.
- Z. Bouida, H. El-Sallabi, M. Abdallah, A. Ghrayeb, and K. A. Qaraqe, “Reconfigurable Antenna-Based Space-Shift Keying for Spectrum Sharing Systems,” Proc 2016 IEEE International Conf. on Communications (ICC’16), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, pp. 2558-2563, May 2016.
- Z. Bouida, M. Qaraqe, Q. H. Abbasi, M. Abdallah, and E. Serpedin, “Performance of Ultra-wideband Body-centric Wireless Networks,” Proc. Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS’15), Prague, Czech Republic, pp. 2800-2804, July 2015.
- Z. Bouida, H. El-Sallabi, A. Ghrayeb, and K. A. Qaraqe, “Enhanced Space-Shift Keying (SSK) with Reconfigurable Antennas,” Proc. 2015 IEEE International Conf. on Communications (ICC’15), London, U.K, pp. 2393-2398, June 2015.
- Z. Bouida, A. Ghrayeb, and K. A. Qaraqe, “Joint Adaptive Spatial Modulation and Power Adaptation for Spectrum Sharing Systems with Limited Feedback,” Proc. 2015 IEEE Wireless Comm. & Networking Conf (WCNC’15), New Orleans, USA, March 2015.
- Z. Bouida, A. Ghrayeb, and K. A. Qaraqe, “Adaptive Spatial Modulation for Spectrally-Efficient MIMO Spectrum Sharing Systems,” Proc. 2014 IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC’14), Washington DC, USA, September 2014.
- Z. Bouida, A. Ghrayeb, and K. A. Qaraqe, “Adaptive Spatial Modulation for Spectrally-Efficient MIMO Systems,” Proc. 2014 IEEE Wireless Comm. & Networking Conf (WCNC’14), Istanbul, Turkey, April 2014.
- Z. Bouida, A. Ghrayeb, K. A. Qaraqe, and M.-S. Alouini, “Adaptive transmission schemes for MISO spectrum sharing systems,” 2013 IEEE 14th Int. Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Commun. (SPAWC’13), Darmstadt, Germany, June 2013.
- Z. Bouida, M. Abdallah, K. A. Qaraqe, and M.-S. Alouini, “Spectrally Efficient Switched Transmit Diversity for Spectrum Sharing Systems,” IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC’11-Fall), San Francisco, September 2011.
- K. A. Qaraqe, Z. Bouida, M. Abdallah, and M.-S. Alouini, “Joint Switched Transmit Diversity and Adaptive Modulation in Spectrum Sharing Systems,” 6th International ICST Conference on Cognitive Radio Oriented Wireless Networks (CrownCom’11), Osaka, May 2011.
- A.-A. Alkheir, Z. Bouida, K. A. Qaraqe, and Mohamed Ibnkahla, “Outage Capacity of Bidirectional Relaying in Cognitive Relay Networks,” The Second International Conference on Communications and Networking (ComNet’10), Tozeur, Tunisia, November 2010.
- Z. Bouida, M.-S. Alouini, and K. A. Qaraqe, “Joint Minimum Selection GSC and Down-Link Power Control,” IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC’09-Spring), Barcelona, April 2009.
- Z. Bouida, K. A. Qaraqe, and M.-S. Alouini, “Fully Joint Diversity Combining, Adaptive Modulation, and Power Control,” Signal Processing for Wireless Communications (SPWC’07) Workshop, London, June 2007.
- Z. Bouida, M.-S. Alouini, and K. A. Qaraqe, “Improving the Processing Power Efficiency of Minimum Selection GSC with Adaptive Modulation and Post-Combining Power Control,” IEEE International Conf. on Signal Processing and Commun. (ICSPC’07) Dubai, UAE, November 2007.
- Z. Bouida, A. Ghrayeb, and K. A. Qaraqe,“Adaptive Spatial Modulation for Spectrum Sharing Systems with Limited Feedback,” The Fourth TAMUQ Annual Research and Industry Forum, QNCC, Doha, April 2015.
- Z. Bouida, A. Ghrayeb, and K. A. Qaraqe,“Energy and Spectrally Efficient Solutions for Spectrum Sharing Systems,” Qatar Foundation Annual Research Conference (ARC’2014), QNCC, Doha, November 2014.
- Z. Bouida, A. Ghrayeb, and K. A. Qaraqe, “Adaptive Spatial Modulation (ASM) for High Data Rates MIMO Systems,” The Third TAMUQ Annual Research and Industry Forum, QNCC, Doha, April 2014.
- Z. Bouida, A. Ghrayeb, K. A. Qaraqe, and M.-S. Alouini, “Adaptive Data Transmission Schemes for Multiple Antenna Spectrum Sharing Systems,” Second TAMUQ Forum, Doha, April 2013.
- Z. Bouida, M. Abdallah, K. A. Qaraqe, and M.-S. Alouini, “Performance Analysis of Multi-Branch Switched Diversity Schemes for Spectrum Sharing Systems,” 2011 IEEE Communication Theory Workshop (CTW’11), Sitges, Spain, June 2011.