Photo of Amanda Klassen

Amanda Klassen

Project Officer (2019-2023)

Degrees:M.I.P.P. (Balsillie School of International Affairs), B.A. (Wilfrid Laurier)

I am a second year PhD student in political science, specializing in international relations and gender and diversity. I also hold a master’s degree in international public policy from the Balsillie School of International Affairs and a BA in political science from Wilfrid Laurier University. My research focuses on the local implementation of global norms relating to the protection of refugee women and girls. I am most interested in exploring the factors that influence the way that individuals (refugee women) participate in implementation. My other areas of interest include feminist theory, policy making, and post-conflict rebuilding. In my free time I enjoy reading, swimming, weight training and snuggling with my fur babies.

I was most interested in becoming involved with LERRN because I am passionate about improving circumstances for refugees, and ensuring that refugee participation is encouraged, and supported in all stages of research and policy making. Because LERRN places such a strong emphasis on collaboration with partners in the Global South, meeting their research needs, and the inclusion of refugee voices, I felt that working with LERRN was a great opportunity to use my theoretical training in a practical way.

As a project officer on the LERRN secretariat, I have had the opportunity to help develop project assessment documents, FAQ sheets, the project handbook, and to provide editing services for the project website. I have also delivered administrative and logistical support to the project by engaging with project partners to create work plans, facilitate travel arrangements and track expenses. Other projects that I have worked on during my time with LERRN include; a research project for the Global Compact on Refugees Expert Group, and the development of an online fieldwork training course. I have also been privileged to offer mentorship to, and work alongside the undergraduate students working on the project.