Rebirth Through Sacrifice: The Mythological Journey from Dionysus to Christ

with Susan Sandul

Time: 9:30am – 11:30am

Overview: In Greek mythology, Dionysus was known as the god of wine and revelry. But at the heart of his myths and cult lay the profound motif of the suffering god/man, whose violent death becomes the sacrificial offering that brings new life and hope to the world – a theme that would be repeated in Orphism and later, Christianity.

This lecture will explore the archetypal meaning of sacrifice in the stories, symbols, myths and practices that link these three belief systems, and that point the way to our own rebirth as individuals.

Lecture Biography: Susan Sandul holds a Master of Arts degree in Religious Studies, and Bachelor of Arts degrees In English, Classics and Religious Studies. She worked in the federal public service for thirty years as a Labour Relations Advisor and Conflict Management Specialist, delivering conflict resolution workshops. Susan developed a six-week Lecture Series on the Greek gods which she presented in the Lifelong Learning Program at Carleton University in 2019, and previously in the Continuing Education Program at the University of Ottawa. Passionate about ancient cultures, she was a volunteer for over ten years at the Canadian Museum of History, and currently serves on the executive board of the Archaeological Institute of America, Ottawa Society. In her quest to understand human nature, Susan is convinced that the study of mythology not only enriches our lives today, but also helps us to understand ourselves.


Publish your Passion

with Jennifer McGuire

Time: 9:30am – 11:30am

Overview:  In this single series class, we will work on the fundamentals of good storytelling. We will look at the fundamentals of writing, technique, and work on writing prompts together to mine our lives for the truest, most genuine narrative possible.

Lecture Biography: Jennifer McGuire is an essayist and memoir writer with 20 years of experience. Her personal essays have appeared in publications like Good Housekeeping, the Globe and Mail, Canadian Family, and Parents, and her lifestyle column “Halfway to Happy” was syndicated from 2004-2014. A mom of four sons, Jen’s 2021 book Nest: Letting Go From Italy, France, & Ireland sold thousands of copies in Canada and the U.S., and her book of personal essays Poor Thing is scheduled for release in December 2024. Jen has been leading personal writing workshops across Ontario for 15 years.

From Conflict to Catastrophe: Understanding the Israel-Gaza Crisis

with Peter Larson

Time: 1:30pm – 3:30pm

Overview: In this session, using official statements from Israel, the UN, Hamas and the International Court of Justice, the lecturer will review the history of Israel/Gaza/Hamas to explain how things got to this point.  He will address the objectives of both Israel and Hamas and discuss the obstacles to a permanent ceasefire and return of hostages.  The first half of the 2-hour session will be a presentation followed by a one-hour discussion in which questions can be raised.

Lecture Biography: Peter Larson is the Chair of the Ottawa Forum on Israel/Palestine (OFIP), a Canadian human rights organization focussing on the Middle East. He had a stellar career in research and senior management positions at the Public Policy Forum and the Conference Board of Canada. For nearly two decades, he has focused on human rights issues in the Middle East, visiting and leading groups of Canadians to investigate the situation in Israel, Iran, Jordan, Egypt and the occupied Palestinian territories of the West Bank and Gaza. He is a frequent lecturer for church and labour groups, retiree associations and service clubs and in several universities.  His presentations are appreciated for being fact based and balanced. He was the founding Chair of the Middle East Study Group of the Canadian International Council (National Capital Region), a board member of the National Council on Canada Arab Relations, and chair of its National Education Committee on Israel/Palestine. In 2012, he was awarded The Queens Diamond Jubilee Medal by the Governor General of Canada in recognition of his educational work on Canada Arab relations. Peter graduated in Economics from the University of Western Ontario in 1968.  He holds a Ph.D. in Political Economy from Université de Grenoble, France. In addition to English, he speaks fluent French and passable Italian and Spanish.

The Power of Advertisement in Building Iconic Brands

Narmin Banu

Time: 1:30pm – 3:30pm

Overview: This course delves into the impact of advertising on the development and sustainment of iconic brands. Through a combination of theoretical insights, case studies, and practical applications, students will explore how advertising shapes consumer perceptions, creates brand loyalty, and influences purchasing behavior. The course will cover historical and contemporary advertising strategies, the psychology behind effective advertisements, and the role of digital media in brand building.

Lecture Biography:As a PhD candidate, Narmin specializes in the intersection of consumer behavior and sustainability. In particular, she is investigating how social normative appeals from different message sources can effectively influence adoption of pro-environmental behavior. She has contributed to the field through her publication in the Journal of Marketing Education, where she introduced a framework for teaching sustainability via responsible food choices. Narmin’s advocacy for sustainable practices was recognized when her video promoting the consumption of suboptimal food to combat climate change secured first place in the GRADflix 2021 competition.

Prior to commencing her doctoral studies, Narmin worked as Brand Manager of Mortein and Veet, two leading brands in the home care and personal care categories at Reckitt Benckiser. She also garnered experience as a Business Analyst during her stint at SAP Asia, Singapore. Narmin blends in her industry experience to her academic pursuits. She has an extensive background in teaching marketing courses to undergraduate and MBA students.