We value our participants and what you have to say. Please leave your feedback below. Name (optional) First Last Email (optional) Are you an existing participant?*Yes, I have been involved with your program for 1-2 yearsYes, I have been involved with your program for 3-5 yearsYes, I have been involved with your program for more than 5 yearsI was involved with your program but have not taken any lecture/workshop series recentlyI was involved with your program but will not be returningI am a new participantI have never taken a lecture series with your programHow many series have you taken with us?*1-23-56-10More than 10More than 20What captivates your interest in the Lifelong Learning Program? Select All Interesting topics Mental stimulation/ keeping my brain sharp The social aspect Being part of a community Something to do Other (please specify) If you selected 'Other', please specifyOn a scale of 1 to 5, how would you rate our series selection?0 - I am never interested in any of your series1 - I rarely find something I am interested in2 - I sometimes find something I am interested in3 - I often find something I am interested in4 - I always find something I am interested in5 - I always find multiple series I am interested inWhat is your preferred method of participation in a Lifelong Learning series?In Person OfferingsOnline OfferingsNo PreferenceWhat subjects or topics are you interested in seeing more of? Neurochemistry Biology Chemistry Physics Psychology Math History Politics Modern Events/Public Affairs Humanities/Social Sciences Climate/Environment Language Arts Music Philosophy Writing Workshops Other Workshops Technology If a topic of interest is not listed above, please write a suggestion below.Please feel free to provide any additional comments or general feedback here.Would you like a member of the Lifelong Learning team to contact you regarding your feedback? (if so, please ensure you have entered your name and email address above)*Yes, pleaseNo, thank youCAPTCHA