Inside the Human Body: The Path of Drugs

with Dr. Rowida Mohamed

Time: 9:30am – 11:30am

Overview: This lecture delves into the core principles of Pharmacokinetics (PK) and Pharmacodynamics (PD), examining how drugs are absorbed, distributed, metabolized, and excreted, and how they interact with their targets to produce effects. We’ll simplify complex concepts, making them accessible through real-world examples and case studies. Key topics include drug-receptor interactions, dose-response relationships, and signal transduction. We will also discuss the regulatory framework governing drug development, clinical trials, and post-marketing surveillance. This session is designed to enhance understanding and ultimately contributing to safer and more effective pharmaceutical practices

Lecture Biography: Rowida Mohamed currently works as an instructor the biology, chemistry and health science departments at Carleton University. She is also a Research Associate at the Institution of Biochemistry at Carleton. She received teaching excellence in science 2022 and EDI in teaching excellence in 2023.

Exploring How Music is Written

with Jack Hui Litster

Time: 9:30am – 11:30am

Overview: In this interactive lecture, Ottawa composer Jack Hui Litster will take you behind the scenes in his music composition process, detailing how a piece of music written for choir and orchestra can emerge from individual ideas and concepts. As a case study, this lecture will refer to sections of Jack’s 2024 composition Gates of Heaven: Requiem for a Life of Peace. Through class participation, we will explore ways in which an emotional idea can be expressed musically in a variety of different ways.

Lecture Biography: Jack Hui Litster is a music performer, composer, record producer and music educator. He has composed and recorded dozens of songs in music genres including jazz, folk, opera, orchestral, funk, and electronic. Jack is active as a composer in Ottawa, composing, recording and performing for opera companies, dance companies, choirs, films and podcasts. In Carleton’s music department, Jack teaches courses on popular music and film music. Jack’s debut solo album Shining Suns was released in 2022 and is available on Spotify. Hear more at

The World of Wine: Past and Present

with Dr. Dennis Forcese

Time: 1:30pm – 3:30pm

Overview: A brief history: origins diffusion. Socio-Cultural aspects: ceremony, religion, and health. Prominent varietals: warm climate, cool climate, and blends.Your taste and the taste of wine:  wine and food, white and red, sweet and dry. Wine without guilt.

Lecture Biography: Dr.Dennis Forcese is Professor Emeritus, Sociology and Anthropology, Carleton University. His career specializations related to social equality, and the social role of police. He also served as Dean of Social Sciences and Vice President Academic. His interest in wines blossomed as he was long-time Chapter Master of the Ottawa Italian wine club, the Amici dell’Enotria.

Power in America

with Dr. Elliot Tepper

Time: 1:30pm – 3:30pm

Overview: Power in America is diffuse, complex, and enormously consequential. ‘Democracy is on the Ballot’ in 2024 say both major political parties.  While every election is presented as the most important in modern history, democracy and America’s future may indeed hinge on the outcome of the election in November.  This two-hour presentation will present the fundamentals of the American electoral system, explore what is at stake, speculate on possible scenarios, and present ‘Guidelines for Election Watching in America’.

Lecture Biography: Dr. Tepper is a veteran professor of comparative politics and international relations at Carleton University. He regularly provides media commentary at home and abroad on a wide range of topics, providing context and deep background to the news stories of the day. Dr. Tepper’s career in academia and public policy provides the basis for thoughtful analysis on current events, and his lifetime of teaching on-campus and through the public media provides the basis for an engaging, interactive classroom experience. An internationally recognized scholar, Dr. Tepper provides analysis and policy advice to national and international organizations.