Everybody knows the classics. Whether it’s Monopoly, Clue, or Pictionary, it’s likely that your family has at least one board game in their libraries. However, the world of board gaming is so much larger than that. The board gaming is an ever-growing industry that has seen increasing popularity, despite the rise of technology. Recently, I even began to see digital versions of industry favourites: do you like Agricola? Or maybe Scythe is more your cup of tea? If you don’t have the option to play with friends or family in person, programmers all over the world give you a plethora of online options regarding board games, making this world more accessible to the average person than ever before.

This is even more prevalent now with the advent of board game cafés. And you may be surprised to see that the clientele no longer conforms to stereotypes.. Rather, board games come in all sorts of themes, difficulty levels, and offer options for people from all walks of life to enjoy. They are now even available in all kinds of languages, even more so with the avenue of digital board games, which makes it an ideal option for a fun evening with friends (and maybe even fellow language learners!). And the benefits of board games go beyond just social connections – playing board games has been shown to improve problem-solving skills, enhance memory retention, and even reduce stress levels! In addition, many board games require players to think critically and strategically, which can improve analytical skills and decision-making abilities. Isn’t that amazing?

Here in the LLRC, we are becoming increasingly convinced that board games are an ideal avenue the pursuit of language learning outside the classroom as well as an opportunity to develop lasting friendships and genuine human connections, which is why we are working on a project to mix board games and language learning. If this interests you, feel free to join us for a lively afternoon of board games on Wednesday, March 22nd, from 12PM to 2PM!

(To see the article that inspired this post, feel free to click on this link: The rise and rise of tabletop gaming)