We recognize and acknowledge the struggles and challenges that underrepresented groups have. To help remove such difficulties, we are committed to promoting equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) in every aspect of our research and team culture. MathLab members come from a wide range of academic, cultural, and neurodivergent backgrounds. We are all dedicated to creating an inclusive and welcoming environment.   

We promote EDI because it: 

  • Fosters a culture of mutual respect, open communication, and active listening. 
  • Creates a safe and supportive environment.
  • Encourages collaboration and integration of different perspectives. 
  • Helps remove or reduce the barriers 

As a lab, we strive to create an inclusive and welcoming environment that celebrates EDI for both researchers and participants by:  

  • Implementing EDI principles in our research practices, team culture, and community engagement efforts. 
  • Being mindful about our outreach efforts to ensure that our research is accessible and relevant to the broader community. 
  • Collaborating with members of communities or underrepresented groups during all stages of project planning 
  • Participating in ongoing education on EDI topics to ensure that our research practices and team culture are aligned with best practices. 
  • Regularly monitoring and evaluating our progress toward our EDI goals and adjusting as needed.