The right device for you is the one that will play well (1) with your other devices, (2) with your workplace applications, and (3) with your colleagues! The iTeam often encounters faculty and staff who have bought the wrong device!

Before you buy an iPad, smartphone, tablet or laptop, consider contacting the iTeam to set up a consultation. We can assist you with choosing which model, how much memory, and whether to go with WiFi or 3G. We may even recommend against an iPad or an iPhone for your situation!

Smartphone and Tablet Purchasing Advice: Consider where you will get your technical support, advice on applications, and help with workflow. If you have the “right” device but no support, is it really the “right” device?

We can walk you through:

  • Tablet
    Do you have one already?
    What works/doesn’t work for you?
    What do you want/hope to use it for?
    WiFi or 3G?
  • Smartphone
    Do you have one already?
    What works/doesn’t work for you?
    Are you considering changing?
  • Laptop
    Are you using a laptop?
    Is it your sole computer?
    Windows or Mac?
    Are you considering changing?
  • Work environment
    What applications do you use?
    What tablet, computer OS, and/or smartphone does:
    …your administrative assistant (if you have one) use?
    …your manager use?
    …do your colleagues use?