Effective June 1st, 2019, Carleton will no longer reimburse personal mobile/cellular plans charged to operating or ancillary funds. As per the Acquisition of Wireless Cellular Services Policy, the majority of employees who require a mobile device will need to transfer to Carleton’s Corporate plan. This policy, which came into effect April 2018, granted a grace period of over a year to allow cellular services to be moved to Carleton’s Corporate plan.

If you are currently being reimbursed from operating or ancillary funds, please contact the ITS Service Desk at its.service.desk@carleton.ca or at ext. 3700 to have your mobile/cellular plan moved over to the corporate plan. Faculty members wishing to charge to their Professional Expense Reimbursement (PER) fund directly may take advantage of the corporate plan by contacting the ITS Service Desk.

This policy only applies to the acquisition of mobile/cellular services with operating, ancillary or PER funds. If you are currently claiming re-imbursement for mobile/cellular charges on any other fund (e.g. research) you may continue to submit for reimbursement.

There are additional exceptions to this policy, including employment status (ex: part time). For more information, please refer to the Acquisition of Wireless Cellular Services Policy.