As you are about to start your online course(s) and conducting your studies from home, there are a few approaches you can use to get the most out of your day. Being in charge of your own learning and pace, managing your time effectively is essential. Here are six time management strategies for online learning that will help boost your productivity.

Make a plan

Begin with a good planner or calendar and add all due dates for each class in your schedule. Along with the dates, you should add notes to show when to begin work on major assignments. Schedule blocks of study time into your calendar each week to ensure your work gets done on a regular basis. It is better to be on time or ahead of schedule.

Designate a home-study space

Once you have organized your schedule and taken control of how you use your time each day, be sure to organize your workspace as well. One thing that can help is setting aside a particular space at home that serves as your office. This physical delegation will help you mentally check into your virtual classroom more fully than simply logging in from anywhere in the house.

Check in often

Instructors can change due dates of assignments or post important information on Brightspace. Make sure you are up to date on all your class material.

Check in regularly with your instructor and classmates via email, chatrooms and discussion forums. You show your dedication to the course by showing up regularly to participate in class discussions. Do not be afraid to ask questions and share your thoughts.

Recognize when it’s not working

If you find yourself procrastinating, reflect on what causes you to procrastinate, then take steps to correct the cause. If you find that your time management strategy isn’t working, it’s okay to change it. Despite your best efforts, not every night will be record-setting in terms of pages read nor words written. Sometimes the best choice is to stop — for an hour or for the night.

Take care of yourself

Sleep is extremely important for your memory and maintaining your focus. Most students need between 7-9 hours of sleep.

Find time to exercise your body, not just your brain.  Exercising can help clear your mind, keep you focused during your study sessions, and burn off some of that pent up energy you may have from sitting at a desk all day.

Reward yourself

Undertaking a post-secondary education is no small feat. Try breaking up school hours over the week into manageable chunks. Along the way, reward yourself by catching up with a friend, watching a show, or celebrating with a special dinner.

With contributions from Bianca Chan