The Rt. Hon. Joe Clark, former prime minister of Canada, spoke to Political Management students about prime ministerial leadership in Prof. Stephen Azzi’s class POLM5905.  To be effective, Mr. Clark argued, a prime minister needs a sense of the country, the capacity to assemble a team of able people and draw out their talents, and some luck. He lamented the decline of national brokerage parties, institutions that sought to win support in all areas of the country.  First elected to Parliament in 1972, Mr. Clark became leader of the Progressive Conservative party in 1976. At the age of 39, he became Canada’s youngest prime minister, serving from 1979 to 1980 as head of a minority government. As secretary of state for external affairs and minister responsible for constitutional affairs in the government of Brian Mulroney, Mr. Clark was the only prime minister to serve in the Cabinet of a successor.