Consultation on the Campus Sexual Violence Prevention Strategy
To All Members of the Carleton Community,
Last year, throughout the extensive consultation and review of Carleton’s Sexual Violence Policy, a number of excellent proposals to prevent sexual violence on our campus came forward from members of our community. Carleton committed to capture these actionable tactics in a separate document, referred to as the Campus Sexual Violence Prevention Strategy.
Over the summer, the Department of Equity and Inclusive Communities looked at the proposals brought forward and engaged the Sexual Violence Prevention and Education Committee (SVPEC) in a process to develop a draft strategy. This strategy is intended to be a living document and provide a three-year road map of activities that every member of our community can engage in as we continue to strive to enhance the education, prevention and response to sexual violence on our campus.
Over the next few months, we will be engaging the entire community in a collaborative consultation and review of the draft strategy which will serve as the starting point of our three-year road map. Members of the Carleton community can view the draft strategy on our website and are encouraged to provide feedback through our survey questionnaire.
We look forward to working collaboratively with the entire community in this important review process. Preventing sexual violence is everyone’s responsibility.
Benoit-Antoine Bacon
President and Vice-Chancellor
Michael F. Charles
University Advisor on Equity and Director, Department of Equity and Inclusive Communities
Bailey Reid
Sexual Assault Services Coordinator and Equity Advisor, Department of Equity and Inclusive Communities