Writing the Next Chapter
I am absolutely thrilled that more than 250 members of our community attended the launch of our Strategic Integrated Planning process on September 5. We are off to the races!
A full task force has now been established to lead our process, under the leadership of our four co-chairs Lorraine Dyke, Betina Appel Kuzmarov, Patrice Smith and Cindy Taylor.
A broad and inclusive consultation process can only work if our full community is engaged. To be successful, we need everyone’s ideas, thoughts and perspectives.
What do you think are Carleton’s greatest strengths? What makes us unique? What are the opportunities we could seize? What great program or initiative could we launch? What do we need to do now to be the best Carleton we can be in five to 10 years?
Planning matters. Together we are deciding where to go next, and our plan over time will become our reality. To paraphrase Bill Gates: We overestimate what we can do in one year and underestimate what we can do in ten years. By 2030, Carleton will be a very different place.
To help jump start our thinking, we will be inviting a number of great speakers to campus. And of course there will be lots of consultation sessions – both with specific groups and open sessions. Please keep an eye on the activity timeline and the schedule, which are still evolving.
Throughout the process, you can always provide feedback directly on the SIP website, or by email at StrategicPlan@carleton.ca. Please do – we need your input!
After the holidays, the co-chairs and the task force will attempt to distill all that input into a unique, exciting and useful roadmap for Carleton. And that’s not easy!
An important and integral part of our process will be further consultation on the draft strategic plan over the winter. What parts do you find exciting? What is missing? What needs more work? Only with engaged and thoughtful feedback can we really refine and hone our strategy.
Both Senate and the Board of Governors will be engaged throughout the year, in anticipation of the final approval of our Strategic Integrated Plan by both bodies in the spring.
Together, we will be writing the next chapter of Carleton’s saga. We are planting the seeds of our future successes. We need your thoughts and your ideas!
See you at all the great events!