As part of Carleton University’s Institutional Quality Assurance Process, in accordance with the Quality Assurance Framework, all undergraduate and graduate programs are reviewed on a 7 year basis.

Program review provides an opportunity for faculty, staff and students in an academic program to come together to identify program strengths and areas for improvement. It is characterized by a reflective, analytical, consultative, and collaborative review of factors contributing to the delivery of the program. As part of the review process, a peer review will take place over the course of two days that will provide the program with recommendations to consider in the conception of their action plan. The goal of cyclical program review is to foster a culture of continuous improvement in pursuit of academic quality, providing students with the best possible educational experience at Carleton University.

The Office of the Vice-Provost and Associate Vice-President (Academic) provides considerable support to academic units, guiding them through the quality assurance process. Chairs and Directors will be contacted during the summer term to identify which programs are subject to review in the upcoming academic year. A workshop is held at the beginning of the review cycle and a guidebook will be provided.

Please visit our Intranet site for additional information and resources.