This page is under construction. Please return soon for additional content and resources. For now, see below for a list of online resources that you may find helpful in your work:

ReMInDeRY Interactive Demonstrations in R:

Raymond Mar at York University has created this resource for novices using R software. Instructional videos for R basics and links to additional resources are given here.

Curran-Bauer Analytics YouTube Channel:

Patrick Curran and Dan Bauer at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill have joined together to produce short tutorial videos covering topics in structural equation modelling (SEM), multilevel modelling (MLM) and mixture modelling, with an emphasis on estimating growth models with these techniques.

Kristopher Preacher’s online utilities for regression, interactions, and mediation:

Kris Preacher at Vanderbilt University maintains a number of valuable utilities on his faculty webpage for estimating simple slopes of interaction effects, indirect effects in mediation, and other helpful resources for regression in SEM and MLM. These are widely used, free, and well-documented.