Leonard Librande

Adjunct Professor (Deceased)

Degrees:B.A. (St. Louis University), M.A. (McGill), Ph.D. (McGill)


Leonard Librande received a Ph.D. in Islamic Studies from McGill University in 1976. He has studied Greek and Roman as well as Arabic paleography at St. Louis University and at the University of Pennsylvania. In past years his research and publications have focused on hadith literatures and more recently on the writings of Ibn Abi al-Dunya, with particular emphasis on travel and morality.

Research Interests

  • Hadith manuals
  • Morality in Islam
  • Travel, particularly rihla fi talab al-‘ilm
  • Abu Hamid Muhammad al-Ghazali’s Kitab al-Safar
  • Ibn ‘Abd al-Barr’s Jami’ bayan al-‘ilm
  • Al-Ajurri’s Fard talab a-‘ilm
  • Al-Khatib al-Baghdadi’s al-Jami’ li-akhlaq al-rawi wa-adab al-sami’

Fall/Winter 2012-2013 Courses

  • No Fall/Winter Courses

Fall/Winter 2013-2014 Courses

  • No Fall/Winter Courses

Forthcoming Publications

“Ibn Abi al-Dunya: Certainty and Morality,” Studia Islamica