Accessibility Standards Canada

Project 1: Acoustics in the built environment

2022 – 2023

Project goal:

Canadians with hearing loss, anxiety disorders, attention deficit disorders, and auditory cognitive impairments face a wide range of barriers in education, employment, and day-to-day life. Yet, since such disabilities are largely invisible, these barriers can be overlooked by pan-disability associations and government accessibility initiatives. Through standards development and enforcement, Canada can address the gap forming between domestic and international efforts and emerge as a leader in acoustic inclusion. The research will focus on informing the development of new standards for the acoustics in the built environment. It will identify limitations and propose clauses to existing standards (i.e. CSA B651, NBC, ASTM…) and propose the best approach to develop ideal standards in this space for Canada, in line with the ASC mandate.

PI: Rafik Goubran, Brady Laska

Final Research Report_English

Final Research Report_French

Project 2: Enabling Independence: Assessing Activities of Daily Living to Inform Safety Standards for Built Environments

2023 –

Project goal:

PI: Rafik Goubran, Brady Laska