Best Buy

Project 1: Evaluation of the Best Buy Assured Living system

2020 – 2022

Project goal: The Assured Living system is a sensor base home monitoring service that Best Buy is looking to provide into the Canadian market.  The platform consists of a series of sensors connected to a residential panel that then provides connectivity to cloud based services. The goal of the platform is ongoing monitoring of aging adults as they continue to live independently within their own residence.  The cloud services analyze the sensor information and provide reports and alerts for the resident, care partners/family should significant changes in activity occur. This product is a first commercial offering of a basic monitoring system similar to research trial systems we have previously studied but now packaged and supported as a consumer product. The first goal of the project is to understand the performance of the system as a monitoring platform for frail aging adults including understanding the information the platform captures and to obtain end user feedback on the system.  The second goal of the project is to explore an expanded set of sensors within specific research projects to understand sensor alternatives and potential additional knowledge that can be obtained from expanded sensor sets.

PI: Rafik Goubran, Bruce Wallace

Students: Laura Ault

Other Funding: AGE-WELL NCE


Project 2: Understanding OT Role is Technology Adoption and Building Practice Guidelines

2022 – 2023

Project goals:

  1. Understand the role occupational therapists can play in providing consumer technology recommendations to support older adults to age at home and its potential impacts;
  2. Understand how consumer technology recommendations can be integrated into the current occupational therapists’ home assessment guidelines;
  3. Understand how older adults are using the recommended consumer technology;
  4. Understand any barriers and benefits older adults experience when using the recommended consumer technology; and
  5. Design a toolkit/guideline for Occupational Therapists’ (OT) regular practice.

PI: Frank Knoefel


Other Funding: AGE-WELL NCE