
We apologize for the delay in sending out this note, but it comes to you at a busy time — university exams, holidays, winter weather, and the like. However, in addition to being a very busy time, it is also a very generous time. The Zelikovitz Centre experienced this first-hand on #GivingTuesday.

#GivingTuesday, which took place on Dec. 3, 2013, was a mix between Black Friday and Cyber Monday, but with a positive spin. It was a day dedicated to charitable giving online; a reason to give back to a good cause. In honour of #GivingTuesday, Carleton University agreed to match every gift made to its Future Funder projects. Future Funder is Carleton’s micro-giving platform. Far surpassing all expectations, over $30,000 was raised (pre-matching funds) in one day toward important Future Funder projects. One of those projects is our Israel Travel Course. We are so grateful to have raised $480 on that day alone, an amount which was doubled as a result of Carleton’s matching funds. At the end of the day, we had $1,396.00 “in the bank.” What an honour!

THANK-YOU and TODAH RABAH to everyone who donated and to Carleton University for their involvement in this initiative!

Your help is so greatly appreciated. These funds will go directly toward financing students’ trips, many of whom cannot otherwise afford to participate in our Israel travel course. We will continue fundraising until the trip takes place this May, and beyond it. More money must be raised in order to subsidize our students’ studies in Israel, and to fulfill our goal of running more courses in the future.

For more information or to donate, visit http://futurefunder.carleton.ca/projects/studyisrael/

Happy Holidays! And thanks for being such an amazing community.