Alex Mallett

SPPA Associate Professor and Graduate Supervisor – MPP in Sustainable Energy and the Environment,  Alexandra Mallett speaks to CBC Sudbury about climate action at the municipal level.

City of Greater Sudbury declared a climate emergency 5 years ago. It’s not on track to meet its goals

Northern Ontario city set a goal to reduce carbon emissions by 25% by 2025

by Jonathan Migneault, CBC News, posted Jun 4, 2024.

Alexandra Mallett, an associate professor in sustainable energy and climate policy at Ottawa’s Carleton University, says even just declaring a climate emergency is a positive step forward.

“Basically you need all hands on deck,” she said.

“You need everybody in this together because this is happening here and now and it’s not going to go away with conventional.”

Mallett notes Sudbury was a pioneer with its regreening initiatives to fix the damage caused by decades of acid rain from mining industry emissions.

“If Sudbury can regreen and reinvent itself, I think that cities are going to be the forerunners of where we’re actually going to see sustaining change,” she said.

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