Dr. Arun Kumar, Ph.D. 1999
Current: Professor King Fahd University (Retired)
Degrees: | Ph.D. |
I did M.Sc. (Geology) from Lucknow University, India, Ph.D. (Stratigraphic Palynology) from Michigan State University, USA, a second Ph.D. (Environmental Micropaleontology) from Carleton University, Canada. I worked as a post-doctoral research fellow at Sheffield University, UK, Nagasaki University, Japan and Carleton University, Canada. I taught various courses in Geology at Kumaun University, India, University of the West Indies, Jamaica, and King Fahad University of Petroleum and Minerals (KFUPM), Saudi Arabia. Worked on several projects on Permian, Jurassic, Cretaceous and Tertiary biostratigraphy, and basin exploration while working as a palynologist with Oil and Natural Gas Corporation, India, P.T. Corelab Indonesia, KFUPM, and Sirte Oil Company, Libya.
In addition to palynology, my other research interests include application of thecamoebians as proxies for Quaternary climate and environmental changes, and study of Holocene dinoflagellate cysts and benthic foraminifera in the fjords of Vancouver Island, Canada. I also studied mangroves surrounding the Arabian Peninsula. My new research interest is natural hazards. I have published extensively on these subjects, and I along with a colleague edited a volume on Paleotsunami (Natural Hazards, 2012, 63-1).
At present I am a Research Associate in the Department of Earth Science, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada.
Read the complete dissertation here:
Micropaleontological applications in environmental studies: Arcellaceans as proxies of chemical pollution in lakes, and foraminifera as proxies for Holocene paleoseismic and paleoclimatic record in oceans. PDF.
- Kumar, A. and Nistor, I. (Guest Editors). 2012. Paleotsunami, Natural Hazards, Springer. Heidelberg, Germany. 63 (1):1-278.
- Kumar, A. and Chamine, H. I. (Editors). 2012. Advances in Earth Sciences, Volume 3. The Society of Earth Scientists. Satish Serial Publishing House, Delhi, India. 375 p.
- Kumar, A. Book Review: Selly, Richard C. and Sonnenberg, Stephen A. 2015. Elements of Petroleum Geology. Third Edition. Elsevier, 507 pp, plus 9 color plates. ISBN: 978-0-12-386031-6. Price: US$ 107.57. Marine Geodesy 39(1):112-113.
- Kumar, A. & Pattereson, R. T. (2005). Foraminiferal evidence of subaqueous debris flows at ODP Site 1033 (Leg 169S) Saanich Inlet, Vancouver Island, Canada. Journal of the Palaeontological Society of India, Golden Jubilee volume, 50(2): 121-134.
- Patterson, R.T., Prokoph, A. Kumar, A., Chang, A. C. & Roe, H., 2005. Late Holocene variability in pelagic fish scales and dinoflagellate cysts along the west coast of Vancouver Island, NE Pacific Ocean. Marine Micropaleontology, 55 (3-4):183-204.
- Boudreau, R.E.A., Galloway, J., Patterson, R. E., Kumar, A., & Michel, F.A., 2005. A paleolimnological record of Holocene climate and environmental change in the Temagami region, northeastern Ontario. Journal of Paleolimnology, 33:445-461.
- Kumar, A. 2008. Reworked Carboniferous palynomorphs in the Paleocene sediments of Mumbai Offshore Basin: an example of megatsunami transport from the Arabian Peninsula. Current Science, 94 (11): 1367-1368.
- Kumar, A. 2009. Reclaimed islands and new offshore townships in the Arabian Gulf: Potential natural hazards. Current Science, 96(4): 480-485.
- Khan, A. M. and Kumar, A. 2009. Impact of “urban development” on mangrove forests along the west coast of the Arabian Gulf. e-journal Earth Science India, 2(III): 159-173.
- Kumar, A. 2009. History of earthquakes and tsunamis in the Arabian Gulf: Potential hazard for reclaimed island communities. EQT2009: WCCE-ECCE-TCCE Joint Conference on “Earthquake and Tsunami”. Istanbul, Turkey. June 22-24, 2009. Proceedings volume in CD. pp. 1-7.
- Kumar, A. 2010. New offshore townships in the Arabian Gulf: questions about their sustainability. Journal of Economic Geology and Georesource Management, 6 (1-2): 59-67.
- Kumar, A. and Alam, S.A. 2010. “Shock Event” an impact phenomenon observed in water wells around the Arabian Gulf coastal city Dammam, Saudi Arabia: possible relationship with Sumatra tsunami event of December 26, 2004. Natural Hazards (DOI: 10.1007/s11069-009-9427-7), 53: 407-412.
- Kumar, A., 2010. Reworked Carboniferous palynomorphs in the Panna Formation (Paleocene-Early Eocene) of Mumbai Offshore Basin: possible role of megatsunami transport from the Arabian Peninsula. The Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, 35: 167-185.
- Kumar, A., Khan, M. A. and Muqtadir, A. 2010. Distribution of mangroves along the Red Sea coast of the Arabian Peninsula: Part-1: the northern coast of western Saudi Arabia. e-Journal Earth Science India, 3 (1): 28-42.
- Khan, M. A., Kumar, A., and Muqtadir, A. 2010. Distribution of mangroves along the Red Sea coast of the Arabian Peninsula: Part-2: the southern coast of western Saudi Arabia. e-Journal Earth Science India, 3 (3): 154-162.
- Farooqui, A., Kumar, A., Jha, N., Pande, A. C. And Bhattacharya, D. D. 2010. A thecamoebian assemblage from the Manjir Formation (Early Permian) of Northwest Himalaya, India. e-Journal Earth Science India, 3 (3): 146-153.
- Patterson, R. T., Swindles, G. T., Roe, H. M., Kumar, A., Prokoph, A. 2010. Dinoflagellate cyst-based reconstructions of mid to late Holocene winter sea-surface temperature and productivity from an anoxic fjord in the NE Pacific Ocean. Quaternary International (DOI: 10/1016/j.quaint.2010.06.016), 235: 13-25.
- Kumar, A. 2011. Temporal changes in mangrove cover between 1972 and 2001 along the south coast of the Arabian Gulf. Proceedings of 34th International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment (ISRSE34) in Sydney, Australia, April 10-15, 2011. Theme; Coastal and Marine Resources (Paper number 94): pp. 1-4.
- Kumar, A., Farooqui, A. and Jha, N. 2011. Early Permian glacio-marine thecamoebian assemblages from the northwest Himalayas, India. Journal of Micropalaeontology, 30: 75-89.
- Kumar, A. 2011. Acid-resistant Cretaceous thecamoebian tests from the Arabian Peninsula: a suggestion for study of agglutinated rhizipods in palynological slides. Journal of Micropalaeontology, 30: 1-5.
- Kumar, A., Khan, M. A. and Muqtadir, A. 2011. Distribution of mangroves along the Red Sea coast of the Arabian Peninsula: Part-3: The coast of Yemen. e-Journal Earth Science India, 4 (II): 29-38.
- Kumar, A. and Abdullah, Mahmoud H. 2011. An overview of origin, morphology and distribution of desert forms, sabkhas and playas of the Rub’ al Khali desert of the southern Arabian Peninsula. e-Journal Earth Science India, 4 (III): 105-135.
- Kumar, A. 2011. Chapter 11: New Offshore Townships in The Arabian Gulf: Questions About Their Sustainability. In: Earth Resources and Environment, (Ed. R. Venkatachalapathy). Pp. 1-8. Research Publishing, Singapore.
- Kumar, A. and Nistor, I. (Guest Editors). 2012. Editorial: Paleotsunami, Natural Hazards, Springer. Heidelberg, Germany. 63 (1):1-3.
- Farooqui, A., Kumar, A. Swindles, G. T. 2012. Thecamoebian communities as proxies of seasonalities in Lake Sadatal, in Ganga-Yamuna Plains of North India. Palaeontologia Electronica Vol. 15, Issue 1; 3A, 19 p; palaeo-electronica.org/content/2012-issue-1-articles/117-thecamoebian-community.
- Kumar, A. 2013. Invited Paper: Natural hazards of the Arabian Peninsula; their causes and possible remediation. In: R. Sinha and R. Ravindra (Eds.), Earth System Processes and Disaster Management, Society of Earth Scientists Series 1, DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-28845-6_12, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, pp. 155-180.
- Farooqui, A., Kumar, A. and Ranjana, 2014 Thecamoebians as Proxies for Seasonally Induced Hydrological Changes in Sub-tropical Ponds of India. Gondwana Geological Magazine, Special Volume No.15, 2014, pp. 31-39.
- Kumar A. 2014. Geology of the Brega area and the ichnofauna of the ‘Brega Sandstone Bed’ (Pliocene), Libya. Arabian Journal of Geosciences. DOI 10.1007/s12517-014-1656-8, pp. 1-15.
- Kumar, A. 2014. Environmental changes in the wetlands of southern Iraq based on palynological studies: Comments. Arabian Journal of Geosciences 8 (6): 4287-4289. DOI 10.1007/s12517-014-1430-y
- Kumar, A. 2016. New palynological evidence for the age of the Beda Formation, Sirte Basin, Libya. Palaeontologia Electronica, 19.3.43A: 1-14.
- Kumar, A. 2016. Coastal geology and revised stratigraphy of the Brega area, Libya. Arabian Journal of Geosciences 9(4): 1-9. DOI 10.1007/s 12517-016-2359-0
- Kumar, A. 2017. Recent biogenic traces from the coastal environments of the southern Red Sea coast of Saudi Arabia. Arabian Journal of Geosciences 10 (22): 3-11. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12517-017-3293-5.
- Kumar, A. 2018. First record of palynomorph assemblages from the Arshad Sandstone (Campanian), Sirte Basin, Northcentral Libya. Arabian Journal of Geosciences (2018) 11 (23):740. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12517-018-4108-z.
- Kumar, A. (2019) Pollen-spore assemblages of the Navarro Group (Maastrichtian) of Texas, USA: Their biostratigraphical and palaeoecological significance. The Palaeobotanist, 68 (2019).
- Samant, B., Kumar, A., Mohabey, D. M., Humane, S., Kumar, D., Dhoble, A., Pizal, P. (2020). Centropyxis aculeata (Arcellinida) and associated diatoms from the intertrappean lacustrine sediments (Maastrichtian) of central India: implications in understanding paleolake ecology. Palaeontologia Electrinica, 23(3): a60. https://doi.org/10.26879/1082
- Kumar, A. (2020) Palynology of the recent intertidal sediments of the Southern Red Sea Coast of Saudi Arabia. PALYNOLOGY, 45 (1): 143-163. https://doi.org/10.1080/01916122.2020.1 767708
- Kumar, A. (2021) Palynomorph assemblages and mineral microfossils from various Southern Red Sea coastal environments of Saudi Arabia. Earth Science India, v. 14 (2), pp. 41-97.
- Kumar, A. (2021). First report of occurrence of palynomorphs in the beachrocks and their paleoecological implications. Academia Letters, Article 3884. https://doi.org/10.20935/AL3884.
- Kumar, A. (2022). Palynology of the Rockly Bay Formation (mid-Pliocene), Tobago, West Indies. Geophytology, 50 (1-2): 73-94.
- Kumar, A. (2022). First report on palynology of beachrocks: an example from southeastern Gulf of Sirte (Mediterranean Sea) coast of Brega, Libya. Geophytology, 51 (1-2): 21-40.
- Kumar, A. (2022). ‘Egagropili Sand Dunes’ along the southeastern Gulf of Sirte (Mediterranean Sea) coast of Brega, Libya, their genesis and paleoenvironmental implications. Geophytology, 52 (1-2): 29–38.
- Kumar, A. (2023). New form taxa of non-pollen palynomorphs (NPP) from southern Red Sea coastal sediments of Saudi Arabia. Geophytology, 53(1): 1-24.
- Kumar, A. (2023). Palynological research in the Caribbean Islands and Central America: An overview. Geophytology, 53(1): 83-98.
- Kumar, A. (2023). Foraminiferal palynomorphs from the marine and brackish water recent sediments of the southern Red Sea coast of Saudi Arabia, their palaeoenvironmental and palaeoecological implications. Geophytology, 53(2): 109-132.
- Saxena R.K. & Kumar A. (2023). Fungal palynomorphs from southern Red Sea coastal sediments (Holocene) of Saudi Arabia. Geophytology, 53(2): 151-170.