The TrustCAV program will train Canada’s leaders in connected and autonomous vehicles.  The program objectives are to:

  • Train a cohort of high-calibre HQP with the necessary technical knowledge related to CAVs and the professional skills required to successfully transition to the workplace.
  • Expose the trainees to real CAVs and all-weather L5 test tracks through internships with industry and government organizations; and,
  • Sustain the program by establishing credibility, identifying new revenue streams, and working with the current partners, including the universities involved, to ensure continued support.

The TrustCAV program will consist of the following main components:

  • Industrial internships will provide a unique opportunity to apply theoretical knowledge, and gain both a better understanding of the methods as well as practical requirements. Master’s students concentrate their efforts in 1-2 full time internships, while PhD students will be trained over 3 internships.
  • Short courses (20 hours each) will include mini-technical courses on trustworthy and dependable CAVs hardware, software, programming, as well as courses focusing on the legal, ethical, and regulatory challenges. We will also offer a preparatory course as a primer in these areas for HQPs prior to their internships.
  • Hands-on workshops (1/2 to full day) will be offered on a variety of emerging topics, such as quantum computing, blockchain, cybersecurity, compressed AI models, and federated learning.
  • Professional development seminar series will cover topics relevant to careers in this area, e.g., undertaking public engagement and developing a communication strategy related to emerging technology.
  • Annual colloquium series will feature speakers from the vehicular technology and regulatory community at large. The series will expose students to cutting-edge research in CAVs from both the technical and legal, ethical and regulatory perspective.
  • Knowledge mobilization and transfer will encourage student-led presentations at venues such as Universities involved in the program, or others, as well as at our partner’s and collaborator’s organizations.