March 3 and 4, 1995
Friday, March 3, 1995
Arts Faculty Lounge, 2017 Dunton Tower
15:00-15:30 Opening Remarks
Dr. H. Blair Neatby, Professor Emeritus, Carleton University
15:30-17:00 Panel 1
Chair: Erica Smith, History
1.1 Sandra Dyck, Art History, “Cultural Appropriation and Canadian National Identity in the 1920s: Marius Barbeau and Avant-Garde Artists in Gitksan Territory”
1.2 Ellen McLeod, Art History, “The Women of the Canadian Handicrafts Guild: Pioneers Promoting Indian Arts In Canada in The Early 20th Century”
1.3 David Smyth, History, “The Blackfoot Trade: The Years of Transition, 1821-1834”
17:30-18:00 Panel 2 and Introduction of Dr. Karen Dubinsky
2.1. Wendy J. Atkin, History, “No Lost Causes: A Feminist View of Archival Practices and Women’s History, 1977-1995”
18:00-19:00 Keynote Address
Dr. Karen Dubinksy, Queen’s University
“She Only Told Me To Stop’: Masculinity, Race and Sexual Danger in Turn-of-the- Century Canada”
Saturday March 4, 1995
Coffee and Muffins
10:00-11:00 Panel 3
Chair: Chu Dou Lynhiavu, History
3.1 Kevin Spooner, History, “Reluctant Peacekeeper?: The Origins of Canadian Participation in the United Nations Operation in the Belgian Congo (UNOC)”
3.2. Susan Villeneuve, History, “Cold Actions, Cold Methods, Cold War: Canada and the Prague Coup”
11:00-12:00 Panel 4
Chair: Jim Opp, History
4.1 Joanna Dean, History, “Transatlantic Feminism: Lady Aberdeen and the National Council of Women of Canada”
4.2 Lisa Gaudet, History, Continuity and Change in the 1920s: The IODE’s Response to a Decade of Peace”
12:00-1:00 Panel 5
Chair: Elizabeth Jonkel, History
5.1 Janet Friskney, History, “A Forgotten Canadian Literary ‘Patron Saint’?: E.S. Caswell of the Methodist Book And Publishing House”
5.2 Madelaine Stewart-Dmaj, History, “Frances Burney and the Art of Compromise”
13:00-13:30 Refreshments
13:30-14:30 Panel 6
Chair: Leona Crabb
6.1 Susan Burhoe, History “Seeing is Believing: Dr. Diamond and the Gender of Psychiatric Photography”
6.2 Pat Gentile, Canadian Studies, “Gender in the Security State: Beauty Contests and Fruit Machines, 1949-1972”
14:30-15:30 Panel 7
7.1 Matthew Lauzon, History, “Representing Alterity in 18th Century Language Theory Savage Eloquence in America”
7.2 Richard Sembera, German, “Language and Man, Herder’s Philosophy of History”