Blast-Related Software

BlastDOF – Two-Degree-of-Freedom Blast Analysis Software (Developed by Dr. Christian Viau)

RCBlast – Single-Degree-of-Freedom Blast Analysis Software (Developed by Dr. Eric Jacques)

OverPressure – Blast Parameter Calculator (Developed by Dr. Eric Jacques)

BRADS – Blast Resistant Anchor Design Software (Developed by Dr. Eric Jacques)

Current and Past Teaching Assignments

Carleton University

  • CIVE 6906 – Directed Studies (PhD)
  • CIVE 5507 – Blast Load Effects on Structures
  • CIVE/ACSE 4918 – Design Project
  • CIVE 4200 – Structural Analysis II
  • CIVE 3203 – Structural Analysis I
  • ECOR 1046 – Mechanics
  • ECOR 1045 – Statics

University of Ottawa

  • CVG 4146 – Structural Design in Timber
  • CVG 2549 – Mécanique de génie civil
  • GNG 1105 – Engineering Mechanics
  • GNG 1505 – Mécanique pour ingénieurs

Royal Military College of Canada

  • CEE 595 – Blast Engineering
  • GCF 311 – Comportement des matériaux et introduction au dimensionnement en acier et en bois
  • GCF 265 – Design assisté par ordinateur en génie civil