Photo of Frances Abele

Frances Abele

Senior Research Fellow

Phone:613-520-2600 x 2553

Frances Abele is a Senior Research Fellow and former Academic Director of the Carleton Centre for Community Innovation. A Professor and former Director of the School of Public Policy and Administration, Dr. Abele’s research interests include Aboriginal-state relations, Aboriginal economic development, northern political economy, and community development and training. She is a former Deputy Director of Research for the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples and research fellow at the Institute for Research on Public Policy. Current research projects include Aboriginal self-government and the federation; sustainable development in northern Canada, including the definition of new public policy options; the northern social economy; federal northern development policy, and the further development of northern democracy.

In 2017, Dr. Abele was designated Chancellor’s Professor at Carleton University.


In progress

“?ekwe He Naida/Living with Caribou: Reflections on Dene Knowledge and Policy Development in the Context of Crisis” (with Walter Bayha, Ken Caine and Deborah Simmons). book chapter in preparation

“An Arctic Lens: Circumpolar Research on Regional Economic Development” (with David Muddiman) book chapter in preparation.

“Responsible Investment in the Canadian Territorial North” (with Joshua Gladstone)

“Seeing Like a Community: Social Science Research in Northern Communities” with Sheena Kennedy

“State and Society in a Northern Capital: Yellowknife’s Social Economy in Hard Times” (with Jerald Sabin). Journal article to be submitted to Community Development Journal.

“An Approach to Understanding Modern Community Economies in Inuit Nunungaat” (with Sheena Kennedy).

“The Uses of History” ms. completed and under revision for submission to a journal (TBD).

Reconfederating Canada: Aboriginal Self-Determination and Canadian Federalism with Michael J. Prince.


Soliloquy and Dialogue:  The Evolution of Public Policy Discourse on Aboriginal Issues with Caroline Dittburner and Katherine Graham.  Ottawa:  Canada Communications Group, 1996. 351 pgs.

Gathering Strength:  Native Employment Training in the Northwest Territories. Calgary:  Arctic Institute of North America, 1989. 258 pgs.

Edited Books

Care, Cooperation, and Activism: Cases from the Northern Social Economy. (co-editor with Chris Southcott). Edmonton: University of Alberta Press, forthcoming (accepted October 1, 2014).

Canada, the European Union and the Arctic Special issue of The Northern Review, guest editor. (Spring 2014).

Northern Exposure: Powers, Peoples and Projects. (co-editor with Tom Courchene, France St. Hilaire, Leslie Seidle) Montreal: Institute for Research on Public Policy, 2009.

How Ottawa Spends 1991-92:  The Politics of Competitiveness. (editor)  Ottawa:  Carleton University Press, 1992.

How Ottawa Spends 1991-92:  The Politics of Fragmentation. (editor)  Ottawa:  Carleton University Press, 1991.

Articles in refereed Journals

“Language, Distance, Democracy: Development Decision-Making and Northern  Communications” (with Sheena Kennedy Dalseg) The Northern Review. Forthcoming.  Accepted June 2015.

“What Now? Future Federal Responsibilities Towards Aboriginal People Living in Cities”( with Katherine Graham) aboriginal policy studies  v 1 n 1 spring 2011.

“The State and the Northern Social Economy: Research Prospects” The Northern Review  No. 30 (Spring 2009) pp 37-58.

“Inuit Diplomacy in the Global Era: The Strengths of Multilateral Internationalism” (with Thierry Rodon) Canadian Foreign Policy 13:3 Spring 2007.

“Four Pathways to Aboriginal Self-Government in Canada” (with Michael J. Prince) American Review of Canadian Studies   36:4 pp 568-597 Winter 2006.

“From Public Education to Social Marketing: The Evolution of the Canadian Heritage Anti-Racism Social Marketing Program” (with Judith Madill) Journal of Non Profit and Public Sector Marketing 17 (1/2) (2005).

“Kanadskii opyt uluchsheniia polozeniia korennykh narodov na rynke truda,” (Canadian experience in improving the position of native peoples in the labour market), Region: Ekonomika i sotsiologiia (The Region: Economics and Sociology, no. 4 (2004), pp. 200-211.

“And Now for a Northern Solution?  The Transfer of Forest Fire Control and Forest Management to the Governments of the Northwest Territories and Yukon”  The Northern Review  5 Winter 1990, pp. 82-102.

“Canadian Contradictions: Forty Years of Northern Political Development”, Arctic  41(4),  Winter 1987,  pp. 310-320; reprinted in Kenneth Coates and William R. Morrison, editors, Interpreting Canada’s North:  Selected Readings.  Toronto:  Copp Clark Pitman, 1989.

“The 1982 Plebiscite on Division of the Northwest Territories: Regional Government and Federal Policy  (with M. O. Dickerson) Canadian Public Policy,  March 1985,  pp. 1-15.

“Interdepartmental Coordination and Northern Development” with E.J. Dosman, Canadian Public Administration 24(3), Fall 1981, pp. 428-451.

“Offshore Diplomacy in the Canadian Arctic:  The Beaufort Sea and Lancaster Sound”, with E.J. Dosman,  Journal of Canadian Studies 16(3), Summer 1981,pp. 3-15.

Chapters in Edited Books

“State Institutions and the Social Economy in Northern Canada” in Chris Southcott, ed. Northern Communities Working Together: The Social Economy of Canada’s North. University of Toronto Press, 2015.

“The Immediate and Lasting Impact of the Inquiry into the Construction of a Mackenzie Valley Pipeline” in Greg Inwood and Carolyn Johns, eds. Canadian Public Inquiries.  University of Toronto Press,  2014.

“Intergovernmentalism and the Well-Being of First Nations” in Ghislain Otis and Martin Papillon, eds. The Relational Dimension of Indigenous Governance and Federalism: Theories and Practices.  Laval University Press, 2013.

“Promises to Keep: Federal Spending on Transportation and Communication Infrastructure in the Territorial North” (with Sheena Kennedy Dalseg and Joshua Gladstone) in G. Bruce Doern and Chris Stoney, eds. How Ottawa Spends 2013-14: Mid-Term Blues and Long Term Plans. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2013.

“Four Ways to See It: Aboriginal People and Public Policy in Selected Ontario Cities” (with Russell LaPointe, David Leech, Michael McCrossan) in Evelyn Peters, ed. Fields of Governance #5:  Urban Aboriginal Policy Making in Canadian Municipalities. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press,  2012.

“Federal Urban Aboriginal Policy: The Challenge of Viewing the Stars in the Urban Night Sky” (with Katherine Graham) in Evelyn Peters, ed. Fields of Governance #5:  Urban Aboriginal Policy Making in Canadian Municipalities. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2012.

“Use it or Lose it? The Conservatives’ Northern Strategy” in Bruce Doern and Chris Stoney, eds. 2011. How Ottawa Spends 2011-12: Cutting Fat or Slicing Pork? Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2011.

“Aboriginal Workers and the Recession” (with Senada Delic) in G. Bruce Doern and Chris Stoney, eds. How Ottawa Spends 2009-2010. Toronto: Oxford University Press, 2010, pp. 163-192.

“Northern Development: Past, Present and Future” in Frances Abele, Tom Courchene, France St. Hilaire, Leslie Seidle, eds. Northern Exposure: Powers, Peoples and Projects. Montreal: Institute for Research on Public Policy, 2009, pp 19-65.

“Introduction and Overview” (with Tom Courchene, France St-Hilaire, Leslie Seidle) in Frances Abele, Tom Courchene, France St-Hilaire, Leslie Seidle, eds. Northern Exposure: Powers, Peoples and Projects. Montreal: Institute for Research on Public Policy, 2009 pp 3-18.

“The New Northern Policy Universe” (with Tom Courchene, France St-Hilaire, Leslie Seidle) in Frances Abele, Tom Courchene, France St-Hilaire, Leslie Seidle, eds. Northern Exposure: Powers, Peoples and Projects. Montreal: Institute for Research on Public Policy, 2009 pp 561-594.

“Coming in from the Cold: Inuit Diplomacy and Global Citizenship” with Thierry Rodon, in J. Marshall Beier, ed. Indigenous Diplomacy Palgrave, 2009.

“A Little Imagination Required: How Canada Funds Territorial and Northern Aboriginal Governments” with Michael J. Prince, in Allan Maslove, ed. How Ottawa Spends 2008-09: A More Orderly Federalism? Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2008.

“The Future of Fiscal Federalism: Funding Regimes for Aboriginal Self-Government” with Michael J. Prince, in Yale Belanger, Aboriginal Self-Government in Canada. Saskatoon: Purich Publishers, 2008.

“The Evolution of the March 21 Anti-Racism Social Marketing Program: A Case”, (with Judith Madill) in Hastings, G., ed. Social Marketing, London:Elsevier, 2007.

“Beyond the Blue Horizon: Northern Development Policy in the Mulroney Years” in Raymond Blake, ed. Examining the Legacy: The Era of Prime Minister Brian Mulroney.  McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2007.

“Indigenous People in the Cities of Northern Canada: The Importance of the Rural  Economic Base” in Peter Solomon, ed New Actors in Northern Federations: Cities, Mergers, and Aboriginal Governance in Russia and Canada. Centre for European, Russian and Eurasian Studies, University of Toronto, 2006.

“Between Respect and Control: Traditional Indigenous Knowledge in Canadian Public Policy” in Michael Orsini and Miriam Smith, eds. Critical Policy Studies: Contemporary Canadian Approaches. Vancouver: UBC Press, 2006.

“Constructing Political Spaces for Aboriginal Communities in Canada” (with Michael J. Prince) in Ian Peach, ed. Constructing Tomorrow’s Federalism: New Routes to Effective Governance.  Winnipeg: University of Manitoba Press, 2006.

“Symbolism, Surfacing, Succession and Substance: Martin’s Aboriginal Policy Style” with Russell LaPointe and Michael J. Prince, in Bruce Doern, ed. How Ottawa Spends 2005-06  Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2005, pp.99-120.

“The Smartest Steward? Indigenous People and Petroleum-Based Economic Development in Canada’s North” in G. Bruce Doern, ed. Canadian Energy Policy and the Struggle for Sustainable Development. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2005, pp.223-245.

Paying for Self-Determination: Aboriginal Peoples, Self-Government and Fiscal Relations in Canada. With Michael J. Prince. In Michael Murphy, ed. Reconfiguring Aboriginal-State Relations, Canada: The State of the Federation 2003. Institute of Intergovernmental Relations, School of Policy Studies, Queen’s University, 2005, 237-263. (second author)

“Belonging in the New World: Imperialism, Property and Citizenship”  Gerald Kernerman and Philip Resnick, eds. Insiders and Outsiders: Essays In Honour of Alan C. Cairns.  Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 2005, pp. 213-226.

“Aboriginal Governance and Canadian Federalism: A To-Do List for Canada” with Michael J. Prince in Francois Rocher and Miriam Smith, eds. New Trends in Canadian Federalism. 2nd ed. Peterborough: Broadview Press, 2003, pp 135-166.

“Alternative Futures: Aboriginal Peoples and Canadian Federalism” with Michael J. Prince in Herman Bakvis and Grace Skogstad, eds. Canadian Federalism in the Millennium: Performance, Effectiveness and Legitimacy Toronto: Oxford University Press, 2002, pp. 220-237.

“Lessons from the Policy Discourse on Aboriginal Education,” with Carolyn Dittburner and Katherine Graham, in Marlene Brant Castellano, Lynne Davis and Louise Lahache (eds.) Aboriginal Education: Fulfilling the Promise. UBC Press, 2000. Pp. 3-24.

“Funding Aboriginal Government in Canada: Recent Developments” with Michael J. Prince, in Harvey Lazar, ed. Canada: The State of the Federation 1999-2000: Toward a New Mission Statement for Canadian Fiscal Federalism.  McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2000. Pp.337-370.

“The Importance of Consent: Indigenous Peoples’ Politics in Canada” in James Bickerton and Alain Gagnon, Canadian Politics, 3rd. ed. Peterborough: Broadview Press, 1999. Pp. 443-462.

“Negotiating Canada: Thirty Years of Change in Aboriginal Policy” with Katherine Graham and Allan Maslove in Leslie Pal, ed. How Ottawa Spends 1999-2000. Ottawa, Oxford University Press, 1999. Pp. 251-292.

“Understanding What Happened Here:  The Political Economy of Indigenous Peoples” in Wallace Clement, ed. Understanding Canada:  Building on the New Political Economy.  Kingston and Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 1996, pp. 118-140.

“Various Matters of Nationhood:  Aboriginal Peoples and Canada Outside Quebec” in Kenneth McRoberts, ed. Beyond Quebec:  Taking Stock of Canada.  Kingston and Montreal:  McGill-Queen’s University Press, 1995. Pp. 297-312.

“Wrestling with History:  Prospects for Peace in Aboriginal-Canada Relations”  in Jerry Haar and Edgar J. Dosman, eds.  A Dynamic Partnership:  Canada’s Changing Role in the Hemisphere.  University of Miami North-South Centre:  Miami, 1993. Pp. 131-146.

“The Politics of Competitiveness” in Frances Abele, ed.  How Ottawa Spends 1991-92:  The Politics of Competitiveness.  Carleton University Press:  Ottawa, 1992. Pp. 1-22.

“The Politics of Fragmentation” in Frances Abele, ed.  How Ottawa Spends 1990-91:  The Politics of Fragmentation.  Carleton University Press, Ottawa, May 1991. Pp. 1-31.

“Who Benefits?  The Transfer of Responsibility for Fire Control and Forest Management from the Federal to the Territorial Governments” in Gurston Dacks, ed.  Devolution and Constitutional Development in the Canadian North.  Carleton University Press:  Ottawa, 1990. Pp. 43-70.

“The Democratic Potential in Administrative Expansion” in Gurston Dacks, ed.  Devolution and Constitutional Development in the Canadian North.  Carleton University Press:  Ottawa, 1990. Pp. 295-316.

“High Politics is Not Enough:  Services for Aboriginal Peoples in Alberta and Ontario” (with Katherine Graham) in David Hawkes, ed.  Defining the Responsibilities:  Federal and Provincial Governments and Aboriginal Peoples.  Carleton University Press:  Ottawa, 1989. Pp. 32.

“Canada as a ‘White Settler Colony’:  What About Natives and Immigrants?”  with D. Stasiulis in W. Clement and G. Williams, eds. The New Political Economy, McGill-Queen’s University Press, 1989, pp. 240-277.

“Confronting ‘Harsh and Inescapable Facts”:  Indigenous Peoples and the Militarization of the Circumpolar Region”, in E.J. Dosman, ed.  Sovereignty and Security in the Arctic.  Routledge:  New York, 1989,  pp. 176-193

“Plus Que Ça Change:  The North and Native Peoples”, with K. Graham, How Ottawa Spends 1988-89,  Carleton University Press, 1988, pp. 113-138.

“Conservative Northern Development Policy:  A New Broom in an Old Bottleneck”, in Michael J. Prince, ed.  Tracking the Tories:  How Ottawa Spends 1986-1987,  Methuen 1986,  pp. 149-178.

“Dene-Government Relations:  The Development of a New Political Minority” in Neil Nevitte and Allan J. Kornberg, eds.  Minorities and the Canadian State,Mosaic Press, 1985, pp. 136-172.

Non-refereed Scholarly Publications

Chapters in non-refereed books

“Sources of Hope” Comment on Les rélations interculturelles in John Trent and Robert Young, After the Referendum:  What is the Path Ahead?  Ottawa:  University of Ottawa Press, 1996, 4 pgs

Review articles

“Best Chance, Perilous Passages: Recent Writing About Nunavut”  International Journal of Canadian Studies 21 (Spring 2000) pp 197-212.

Articles in non-refereed journals

“Destination Known, Route Uncertain: Challenges in Understanding the New Northern Economy”  Northern Public Affairs 2(1) Spring 2013.

“Policy Research in Dangerous Times” Northern Public Affairs 1(1) Spring 2012.

“Homeless in the Homeland: The Situation for Indigenous People in Canada’s North” (with Nick Falvo and Arlene Hache) Parity 2010 Volume 29 pp 21-23.

“Canada Needs a University in the North” (with F. Leslie Seidle) Nunatsiaq News October 15, 2010.  1 pg.

“The Human Dimension of Arctic Foreign Policy –Time to Build a Northern University”  (with F. Leslie Seidle) The Hill Times September 13, 2010.

“It is Time to Build a Northern University” Montreal Gazette August 30, 2010.

“A Strong North Must Be Prosperous” (with Tom Courchene, France St-Hilaire, F. Leslie Seidle) Ottawa Citizen June 15, 2009 and subsequently a number of other CanWest newspapers.

“Constructing Political Spaces for Aboriginal Communities in Canada after 1992” (with Michael J. Prince, in Constructing Tomorrow’s Federalism/Batir le Federalisme de Demain. Post Conference Magazine. Regina: Saskatchewan Institute of Public Policy in collaboration with Centre for Research and Information on Canada. 2004. 2 pgs.

“Understanding a Changing North” Guest Column, Canada Research Horizons Winter 2004. 1 pg.

“Counsel for Canadian Federalism: Aboriginal Governments and the Council of the Federation” With Michael J.Prince. Constructive and Cooperatiive Federalism: A Series of Commentaries on the Council of the Federation. Institute for Intergovernmental Relations, Queen’s University and Institute for Research on Public Policy. 2003. Web publication. 31 ms. pgs.

“Aboriginal Peoples in Northern Canada: The Peaceful Revolution Meets Global Capital” in The Canadian North: Embracing Change. The CRIC Papers: Centre for Research and Information on Canada, June 2002, pp. 9-15.

“Small Nations and Democracy’s Prospects: Indigenous Peoples in Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Norway and Greenland” Inroads 10, 2000, pp. 137-149.

“A Time to Celebrate” Editorial in Arctic, 1 pg., Winter 1999. (Arctic is a refereed journal, but my editorials were commissioned, not peer reviewed.)

“Traditional Knowledge in Practice” Editorial in Arctic, 2 pgs., Winter 1997.

“Why Jean Chretien -and the Canadian people- should read the report of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples” Canada Watch. Summer 1997.

“Beyond Oka:  Dimensions of Mohawk Sovereignty”.  Interview with Kahn-Tineta Horn,  Studies in Political Economy  36  June 1991. (Studies in Political Economy is a peer-reviewed journal, but this interview was commissioned, not peer reviewed.)

“The Danger to the North”.  Policy Options  11(1)  January/February 1990  (with Peter Usher).

“Aboriginal Peoples and Economic Development:  Is It Business as Usual?”.  Financial Times.  16 September 1989  (with Katherine Graham).

Articles in non-refereed conference proceedings

“Native Claims Settlements and Native Training: Overview, Issues and a Model” with P. Kulchyski.  Proceedings of the International Workshop on Population Issues in Arctic Societies. Copenhagen and Montreal, 1985, 21 pgs.

“A Framework for Mutual Benefit: Social and Political Research in the North” in K. de la Barre, ed. Proceedings: Northern Population Workshop IV. Frobisher Bay and Montreal, 1982, pp. 8-12.

Technical reports

Northern Aboriginal Youth Employment. (with Senada Delic) Report prepared as part of SSHRC Knowledge Synthesis grant dissemination. February 2014.

Is Evaluation a Tool for Social Justice? Reconciliation? Control? Reflections on the Canadian Experience in Indigenous Affairs. in Better Indigenous Policies: The Role of Evaluation. Roundtable Proceedings. Canberra: Australian Government. Productivity Commission, 2013. Presented at Policy Roundtable:  Lessons to be learnt — how evaluation can lead to better Indigenous policies Canberra 22-23 October 2012.

Literature Review: Bilingual Education. Prepared for the National Committee on Inuit Education. (with Katherine Graham) March  2010.

Literature Review: Building Post-Secondary Success. Prepared for the National Committee on Inuit Education. (with Katherine Graham) March  2010.

Literature Review: Inuit-Centred Education. Prepared for the National Committee on Inuit Education. (with Katherine Graham) March  2010

Like An Ill-Fitting Boot: Government, Governance and Management Systems in the Contemporary Indian Act. National Centre on First Nations Governance, 2007.

The Feasibility of a Northern Policy Research Institution Consultation and Report for the Walter and Duncan Gordon Foundation. 2006

First Nations Governance Pilot Projects: Challenge and Innovation. Volume 1 and 2. Carleton Centre for Community Innovation for the National Centre for First Nations Governance, 2005. (with Katherine Graham, Alex Ker, Craig Brown, Chris Stoney). 200 pages. Web-published at

Aboriginal Peoples and a New Social Architecture for Canada’s 21st Century.  Canadian Policy Research Networks. 2004. Web-published at

Serving the Public North of 60. with Katherine Graham. Institute of Public Administration of Canada Report. Toronto: Institute of Public Administration of Canada, 2003.

Talking with Canadians: Citizen Engagement and Social Union Framework Agreement. with Katherine Graham, Alex Ker, Antonia Maioni, Susan Phillips, Ottawa: Canadian Council for Social Development, 1998. 90 pgs.

Overcoming Institutional Barriers to Social and Economic Wellbeing in the Ottawa-Carleton/Outaouais Region, with Katherine Graham and Alex Ker, CSTIER Diversification Group Papers Series, 1999. 55 pgs.

A New Economic Development Policy for the North?  The Impact of the Free Trade Agreement, with Peter Usher, Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, October 1988, 46 pgs.

Northern Politics Review with W.H. Critchley, Northern Political Studies Programme, University of Calgary, 1983 and 1984, 95 and 125 pgs.

Book Reviews in Scholarly Journals

J. R. Miller, ed. Sweet Promises: A Reader on Indian-White Relations in Canada. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1991. Review published in the Canadian Journal of Political Science.

Douglas Holmes, Northerners: Profiles of People in the Northwest Territories. Toronto: James Lorimer and Company, 1989.  Review published in Arctic.

Rebecca Aird, ed. Running the North: The Getting and Spending of Public Finances by Canada’s Territorial Governments. Ottawa: Canadian Arctic Resources Committee, c. 1989. Review published in Arctic.

Frank Cassidy and Robert Bish, Indian Government: Its Meaning in Practice.  Lantzville and Halifax: Oolichan Books and The Institute for Research on Public Policy, 1989.  Review published in the Canadian Journal of Political Science 23:3 (September 1990).

Dara Culhane Speck, An Error in Judgment. Vancouver: Talonbooks, 1987.  Review published in Resources for Feminist Research 17:3 (September 1988).

Major Encyclopedia or Dictionary Articles

“Canadian Native Urbanization and Non-Reserve Populations” an entry in The Native North American Almanac, 2nd edition. Gale Research, 2000. (revision of earlier entry)

“Canadian Native Urbanization and Non-Reserve Populations” an entry in The Native North American Almanac. Gale Research 1994.

“Resource Use Conflicts in Canada” an entry in The Native North American Almanac. Gale Research, 1994.

Papers presented

“Digital Indigenous Democracy: Deliberatitve Democratic Decision-Making and Resource Development” (with Sheena Kennedy Dalseg) Presented to the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Political Science Association, University of Ottawa, June 2, 2015.

“What if we were wrong?” Presented to the Conference in Honour of Graham White, University of Toronto, May 31, 2014.

“Federal Northern Development Policy and Community Development” Invited panelist, Canada, Here and Now: Puttling the Local into Perspective. Eighth Annual Peace, Conflict and Justice Conference. Munk Centre, University of Toronto, February 1, 2014.

“Challenges in Understanding the New Northern Economy”  Keynote Address, Pathways to Prosperity: Northern Governance and Economy Conference. Yellowknife, October 8-10, 2012

“Responsible Investment in the Canadian Territorial North” (with Joshua Gladstone) PRI-CBERN Academic Network Conference 2012, Evolution of Responsible Investment: Navigating Complexity. October 1-3, 2012 York University, Toronto.

“Property and Democracy: Land Claims Agreements in the New Northern Canadian Political Economy” (with Joshua Gladstone) Annual Meeting of the Canadian Political Science Association, University of Alberta, June 2012.

“Seeing Like a Community: Social Science Research in Northern Communities” (with Sheena Kennedy Dalseg) International Polar Year Final Conference, Montreal, April 21, 2012.

“State and Society in a Northern Capital: Yellowknife’s Social Economy in Hard Times” (with Jerry Sabin) Presented to the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Political Science Association, Concordia University, Montreal, June 1, 2010

“What Was It About the Berger Inquiry? The Lasting Impact of the Inquiry into the Construction of a Pipeline in the Mackenzie Valley, 1974-76” Presented to the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Political Science Association, Concordia University, Montreal, June 1, 2010.

What Now? Pressures on the Federal Role” (with Katherine Graham) Colloquium on Urban Aboriginal Policy, Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences, Concordia University, Montreal, June 2, 2010.

“Living With Caribou: Dene Knowledge and Policy Development in the Context of ‘Crisis'” (with Walter Bayha and Deborah Simmons) Presented to the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Political Science Association, Concordia University, Montreal, June 2, 2010.

“Northern Economies: Special Problems of Analysis and Planning” Annual Meeting of the British Association of Canadian Studies. University of Cambridge, April 7, 2010.

“Aboriginal People in the Cities and New Challenges for the Federation” Federalism and the Relational Dimension of Indigenous Governance University of Ottawa, March 10, 2010.

“Imagining the Best Possible Northern Economy” Founders Lecture, Department of Geography. Carleton University, March 10, 2010.

Canada and New Zealand: Formulating the Relationship between the State and Indigenous Peoples” (with Katherine Graham) Canada and New Zealand: Connections, Comparisons, and Challenges. Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand, 8 -10 February, 2010.

“The State and the Northern Social Economy” Nunavut Social Economy Summit Iqaluit, November 26, 2009.

“Government, Governance and Management Systems in the Contemporary Indian Act”  Rebuliding Our Nations: Eastern Aboriginal Conference. National Centre for First Nations Governance. Halifax, March 3, 2009.

“The Best Possible Northern Economy” Sixth Conference of the International Association of Arctic Social Science, Illimarfik (University of Greenland) August 23, 2008.

“Settler Colonialism and Commission of Inquiry: Access and Legitimation” Fifth Galway Conference on Settler Colonialism. University of Galway, June 29, 2007.

“Commentary: Governance and Partnerships: The Agenda Now” presentation at Economic Transformation North of 60.  Public Policy Forum Seminar. Ottawa, Dec 13, 2006.

“Opening to a Stronger Democracy: “The Indian Problem” and the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples” Presentation to the Indigenous Bar Association 18th Annual Fall Conference,

Making Aboriginal Policy: A Conference Ten Years after the Final Report of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples ,October 19-21, 2006. Bessborough Hotel,  Saskatoon, Saskatchewan

“Reflections on Serving the Public North of 60: Notes on Public Policy in Nunavut” Presented to the Nunavut Federal Council Learning Event, Iqaluit, June 7, 2006

“The Rewards of Decolonization: Assimilation and Transformation of “Southern Ideas” in Northern Canada”  British Association of Canadian Studies Annual Conference, University of Cambridge, April 20, 2006.

“Indigenous Peoples in the Cities of Northern Canada: The Importance of the Rural Base” Paper presented to the Fourth Canada-Russia Conference on Federalism, Moscow, December 2005.

“Northern Research in the Public Interest”  Presented to the Third Annual Meeting of the Northern Research Forum: The Resilient North – Human Responses to Global Change. Yellowknife, Northwest Territories. September 15-18, 2004.

“Indigenous People in Canada: Two Sovereignties or a Third Order?”  Public lecture, Scott Polar Research Institute, University of Cambridge, February 27, 2003.

“Citizenship and Sovereignty in the Colonial Period” Graduate seminar, Scott Polar Research Institute, University of Cambridge, March 7, 2003.

“The Canadian Model of Indigenous Self-Government” Invited lecture, Canada Day, University of Umea, Sweden, March 19, 2003.

“An Historical Approach to Contemporary Conceptual Problems in Indigenous-Canada Relations” Invited lecture, University of Aberdeen, March 25, 2003.

“Indigenous Peoples and Self-Determination in Canada” Public lecture, Amerika Haus, Munich, Germany, April 9, 2003.

Indigenous Self-Government and the Canadian Federal System” Invited lecture, University of Augsberg, Germany, April 12, 2003.

“What If? –What if the National Aboriginal Organizations had been invited to the negotiations to reach a Social Union Framework Agreement”  Presented at Perspectives and Directions: The Social Union Framework Agreement Conference sponsored by the Saskatchewan Institution of Public Policy, the Institute for Intergovernmental Relations of the School of Policy Studies at Queen’s University. Regina, February 4, 2000.

“Belonging Here” Symposium on Canada’s Art Histories, Part I: Aboriginal Art Histories” Carleton University Art Gallery, January 29, 2000.

“Assessing the Approach to Research and Analysis of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples” presented at The Politics of Knowledge Production, Management and Ownership/Control, a conference at Carleton University, January 23, 1998.

“Institutional Barriers to Social and Economic Wellbeing in the Ottawa-Carleton/Outaouais Region,” with Katherine Graham and Alex Ker. Presented at the History of Cities in Europe Conference, Venice, Italy, September 5, 1998.

“Reflections on the Value of Royal Commissions”  50th Anniversary Conference of the Institute of Public Administration of Canada, St. John’s Newfoundland, August 26, 1997.

“The Possibility of Aboriginal Self-Government” at Kanadas Ureinwohner: Auf Dem Weg in Die Zukunft/Canada’s First Nations: Shaping the Future.  Annual Conference of the Association of Canadian Studies in German Speaking Countries, Grainau, Germany, February 17, 1996.

“The Policy Discourse in Aboriginal Affairs” Annual Meeting of the Canadian Political Science Association, University of Calgary, June 6, 1994.

“Approaching the North: Research Process and Research Proposals,” (with Katherine Graham), prepared for the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples Research Symposium on the STate of Research in the Field of Aboriginal Affairs, Ottawa, April 30 – May 1, 1992.

“Governance: A Proposed Research Agenda,” (with Katherine Graham) prepared for the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples Research Symposium on the State of Research in Aboriginal Affairs, Ottawa, April 30 – May 1, 1992

“Free Trade and the North” Annual Meeting of the Canadian Regional Science Association, 2 June 1988, Windsor, Ontario.

“Northern Aboriginal Politics and Canadian Sovereignty and Security” Conference on Sovereignty, Security and the Arctic, York University, 8-9 May 1986.

Other Research

Is Evaluation a Tool for Social Justice? Reconciliation? Control?  Reflections on the Canadian Experience in Indigenous Affairs Prepared for the Government of Australia, Productivity Commission 2012 Policy Roundtable:  Lessons to be learnt — how evaluation can lead to better Indigenous policies.

Employment, training and procurement: strategic choices for the Mackenzie Gas Pipeline. Expert testimony to the Joint Review Panel for the Mackenzie Gas Pipeline, technical hearing, December 7-8, 2006.

A Systems Analysis of the Indian Act. Research paper for the National Centre on First Nations Governance. December 2006.

The Canadian Experience with Positive Labour Market Programs to Improve the Situation of Indigenous Peoples. Carleton University Canada-Russia Project, December 2003.

Strategic Planning and Organizational Development. Course Syllabus and Module 1, Curriculum for a Web-Based Course for Volunteer Managers. Pilot Project. Centre for the Study of the Voluntary Sector and Volunteer Canada. 2002.

Draft Terms of Reference for a Study of Governance in Centres of Excellence for Women’s Health. (with Katherine Graham and Susan Phillips) Health Canada, 2002.

Aboriginal Distinctions (with Katherine Graham). Facilitated discussion and report for the Interdepartmental Task Force on Aboriginal People, Government of Canada, 2001.

The March 21 Campaign and Action 2000: An Interpretive Case History. (with Judith Madill and Joan Murphy). Department of Canadian Heritage, 2000.

Diversity: Changes in Major Canadian Institutions in Response to and Reflecting the Diversity of Canadian Society. (With Katherine Graham, organized the workshop., facilitated, and wrote workshop report) for Multiculturalism Branch, Department of Canadian Heritage, October 19, 1999.

Flexibility in the Implementation of the Inherent Right of Self-Government. (with Gurston Dacks). Contract research for the Aboriginal Summit of the western Northwest Territories. March 1998.

Changing the Training Programs Branch, Public Service of Canada: A Case Study with Katherine Graham, Susan Phillips and Gene Swimmer, Centre for Policy and Program Assessment, December, 1997.

A Strategic Framework for Redefining Diversity in the Federal Public Service with Katherine Graham, Alex Ker et al.  (Foundations paper for the Public Service Commission of Canada), Centre for Policy and Program Assessment, December 1997.

A Study of Transport Canada Western Region Pilot Project:  Flight Service Specialist Training for Native People with James Ross (longitudinal evaluation), Arctic Institute of North America, November 1987, 76 pp.