Elections Canada offices open for students to vote in the federal election.

It doesn’t matter where you’re from, if you’re a Carleton student, you can vote on campus this week.

Elections Canada will be setting up offices on the Carleton University campus from Oct. 5 to Oct. 8, where people can get information, register and vote.

According to Gail Lynch, the officer for Ottawa Centre, it’s all part of a pilot project involving 39 campuses across Canada to improve the participation of young Canadians in politics.

The offices will be set up in room 270 of Residence Commons, the Yoga Room on the second floor of the Athletics building and the University Center galleria. The Elections Canada staff will be present on the scheduled dates from 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.

These are primarily aimed at students but any Canadian citizen eligible to vote – including faculty and staff – can vote at the stations. Whenever possible, faculty and staff are encouraged to inform and remind students about the polling stations, and the dates they are available, and encourage students to vote. Please also be cognizant that students will be voting on Election Day or during the advanced polling dates.

Elections Canada requires one piece of identification with a photo, name and address OR two pieces of ID with the voter’s name on them, one of which has an address.

In addition, the School of Public Policy and Administration, in collaboration with the University of Oxford is conducting research to study the engagement of young people in politics. Amanda Clarke, an associate professor in the school said the survey is, “trying to get in-depth information with a view to informing really strong engagement efforts going forward in Canadian politics.”

After completing the survey, one can get information about candidates running in their riding, a link to their website and other relevant details about voting.

Read more about the survey here.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015 in
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