Patrizia Gentile
Full Professor (On Sabbatical June 30th, 2025)
Degrees: | Ph.D (Queens University) |
Phone: | 613-520-2600 x 1456 |
Email: | patrizia.gentile@carleton.ca |
Office: | 1320 Dunton Tower |
Research Interests: Cultural/gender history; history of sexuality; history and theory of the body; beauty contests; national security; October Crisis and immigrant communities; queer theory
Cross-appointments (0-100%): Department of History; Department of Sociology; School of Indigenous and Canadian Studies; Department of Law and Legal Studies
Books authored:
Patrizia Gentile, Queen of the Maple Leaf: Beauty Contests and Settler Femininity (UBC Press,October 2020).
Queen of the Maple of Leaf is nominated for the Canadian Historical Association Best Scholarly Book in Canadian History Prize 2021.
Gary Kinsman and Patrizia Gentile. The Canadian War on Queers: National Security as Sexual Regulation. (Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 2010).
SSHRC IG Grant (July 2020-2022), Principal Investigator: “Learning the Ropes: The Beaver Boxing Club and the Re/Making of Marginalized Subjectivities” (co-investigator, Dan Irving)
SSHRC Explore (July 2020-extended to July 2022), Co-Investigator: “The Long Shadow of the “Special Period” and the Challenge of Building Cycling Mobilities in Cuba Today” (Principal Investigator, David Hugill)
Books edited:
Patrizia Gentile, Gary Kinsman, and L.Pauline Rankin, eds. We Still Demand!: Redefining Resistance in Sex and Gender Struggles. (Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 2016)
Patrizia Gentile and Jane Nicholas, eds. Contesting Bodies and Nation in Canadian History (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2014)
Journal Articles:
Patrizia Gentile, “Gli Italiani non hanno paura”: Italian-language Newspapers and the 1970 October Crisis,” Quebec Studies 55 (Summer 2013): 135-150.
Patrizia Gentile, “Restricted Access? National Security, Access to Information, and Queer (ing) Archives,” Archivaria 68 (December 2009): 137-158.
Patrizia Gentile and Gary Kinsman, ”Sûreté, risque et résistance: Le Programme canadien de surveillance des homosexuels durant la Guerre froide,” Bulletin d’histoire politique 16, no. 3 (2008): 43-58.
Chapters in Collections:
Patrizia Gentile and Gary Kinsman, “National Security, Homonationalism, and the Making of the Neo-Liberal Queer,” in Queer Kaleidoscopes: Disturbing Canadian Homonationalisms, eds. OmiSoore H. Dryden & Suzanne Lenon, (Vancouver: UBC Press, 2015)
Patrizia Gentile, “‘À Bas la répression contre les homosexuels!’ Résistance et surveillance des gais à Montréal, 1971-1976,” in Histoires de la sexualité au Québec, edited by Jean-Philippe Warren (VLB éditeur, 2013).
Jane Nicholas and Patrizia Gentile, “Introduction: Contesting Bodies, Nation, and Canadian History,” in Contesting Bodies and Nation in Canadian History, edited by Patrizia Gentile and Jane Nicholas (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2014)
Patrizia Gentile, “Capital Queer: Social Memory and Queer Place(s) in Cold War Ottawa,” in Placing Memory, edited by James Opp and John Walsh (Vancouver: UBC Press, 2010).
Patrizia Gentile, “‘Government Girls,’ ‘Ottawa Men’: Cold War Management of Gender Relations in the Civil Service”, in Dieter Buse, Gary Kinsman, and Mercedes Steedman (eds), Whose National Security? Canadian State Surveillance and The Creation of Enemies, eds. (Toronto: Between the Lines: 2000): 131-141.
President, Lambda Scholarship Foundation
Canadian Committee on the History of Sexuality- Co-ordinator (with Steven Maynard)