1. About
  2. Program Information
  3. Admission Requirements
  4. Required Documents
  5. More information


Our MA program emphasizes social justice frameworks born out of anti-colonial, decolonial, anti-racist, transnational, and community-based knowledge processes and practices in the context of graduate studies. An integral aspect of the program will focus on the multiple and dialectical definitions of social justice as a field of conceptual, activated, and collective actions. It represents a creative and robust platform to offer dynamic courses, develop innovative pedagogical approaches, and forge a research agenda located within the interdisciplinary space carved out by the overlap between human rights and social justice as two fields of academic inquiry and political advocacy work. Students can explore issues relating to:

  • Critical human rights and citizenship
  • Public and global health
  • Social movement and political cultures of solidarity
  • Indigenous epistemologies and self-determination
  • Socio-environmental justice
  • Queer and trans rights and social justice
  • Anti-terrorist/anti-security/anti-policing

Program Information

Degree: Master of Arts
Length: 2 years (full-time)- part-time study is available
Entry Terms: 
Fall Application Deadline: February 1
Contact: Graduate Programs Administrator or Graduate SupervisorPaul Mkandawire
Pathway Options: Coursework, Research Essay, Thesis

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Admission Requirements

The normal requirement for admission to the M.A. Human Rights and Social Justice is an honours bachelor’s degree with a minimum B+ average in human rights or social justice or a related field, and demonstrated English proficiency. Applicants possessing an undergraduate honours degree from other fields of study may be admitted with additional requirements which will be specified on the offer of admission.

Required Documents

All post-secondary transcripts are required. If these are not in English, you must also provide an officially stamped translation.

Letters of Reference (2 required)
Letters of reference should be written by referees who are familiar with your academic potential and achievements, ideally former professors. One non-academic reference may be acceptable in certain circumstances (ex. you have been out of school for many years). Please reach out to the department for advice regarding this matter.

Statement of Intent (1 required)
Your statement (1-2 pages double spaced [2.0 spacing]) should outline:
(a) a research plan, including specific ideas for research projects you could undertake at the graduate level;
(b) names of one or two faculty members who could serve as supervisors, and an explanation of how your research interests fit with theirs;
(c) description of relevant background and experience that demonstrates your potential to succeed in graduate school.

CV/Resumé (1 required)
Your CV should highlight your academic and work experience.

Writing Sample (1 required)
Your writing sample should be a piece of academic writing, in English, ideally related to your academic interests. You should be the sole author of your writing sample.

Language Proficiency (ESL Test Scores) – if required
The language of instruction at Carleton is English. For admission into Carleton’s graduate programs, you will need to demonstrate that your knowledge and use of English are strong enough for graduate studies at an English-language university. Please review the latest information on language proficiency and testing here: https://graduate.carleton.ca/international/english-second-language/

More information

For information regarding domestic and international graduate fees and costs:

Student accounts – tuition fees or  International Graduate Fees

Any other questions, please email the Graduate Programs Administrator, Faith Stadnyk, at iisgrad@carleton.ca or the Graduate Advisor, Dr. Paul Mkandawire.