In 2003 FedNor commissioned a study to compare policy and practice in two government-sponsored rural development programs: the CFP in Ontario and LEADER in Sweden. This study was the first time a framework for qualitative research was used to measure the impacts of the CFP. The findings from this research were highlighted in an international conference in Scotland in July 2003, but the study was never published.
In 2008, FedNor supported the Rural Youth Research Internship Project (RYRIP) which also assessed the qualitative impact of the CFP on rural communities. The project was successful in building relationships between universities and rural areas; developing the research skills of youth; and developing a research partnership between the universities and participating Community Futures Development Corporations (CFDCs) in Ontario. 3ci Research Assistant Arjun Langford participated in this project.
In 2009, FedNor supported the preparation of two academic papers and a non-academic report for Government to ensure the following:
1) the publication of academic papers written regarding the CFP (pending);
2) the sharing of research findings from the RYRIP; and
3) the updating of the 2003 comparative analysis.
The non-academic report shares RYRIP research findings and updates the comparative analysis of the CFP (Ontario) and the LEADER program in Sweden. It is now available on the internet at:
The report was specifically written for use by those interested in and familiar with community economic development and the evolution of both CFP and LEADER.