On June 23, 2012, the Sculpture “Sailing Through Time” was officially dedicated at a special ceremony featuring the unveiling of a Plaque by artist David Fels, Ottawa Mayor Jim Watson, Carleton University President, Roseann O’Reilly Runte, and His Honour Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, David C. Onley.

“Sailing Through Time” began as a partnership between Carleton University, David Fels and the City of Ottawa as a lasting memorial to Ottawa’s 200+ year old Brighton Beach Oak and in recognition of the 25th anniversary of Rick Hansen’s Man in Motion World Tour. It is a statement of ongoing commitment by Carleton University to accessibility and a more inclusive society.

During the Ceremony, Ottawa Mayor Jim Watson stated “this amazing sculpture, crafted from the base of the Brighton Beach Oak, [was brought] to its new home, once again on the bank of the Rideau River, in this incredible new River Building at Carleton.”

Created by David Fels on behalf of his children, Cymbria, Arthur, Anastasia and Fanouria; the theme of the sculpture depicts that in life, just as in sailing, we cannot always control what happens as we cannot predict the wind, but we can use it to our best advantage.

Rick Hansen provided a letter thanking Carleton University for the support during his 25th anniversary tour and the continued commitment to accessibility. He reaffirmed his support of the READ initiative (Research, Education, Accessibility and Design) and stated “I look forward to opportunities for collaboration between the Rick Hansen Foundation and the READ initiative, in our shared commitment to a more accessible and inclusive world.”

During the introduction of His Honour Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, David C. Onley, President Runte announced that the READ initiative is now an official organization and the university will be submitting an application shortly to His Honour Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, David C. Onley to become the Patron of READ.

The READ Initiative is championed by the Dean of Engineering and Design, Dr. Rafik Goubran and will support accessibility initiatives across all faculties and departments at Carleton. It is intended to launch a new academic program in accessibility studies, bring greater focus to accessibility/disability issues, develop policy, conduct applied research and provide a forum for collaborations with community groups and governments to bring solutions to accessibility issues and create a more inclusive society.

The event concluded by the unveiling of the dedication plaque by Dr. Rafik Goubran. Marking the new home of the Brighton Beach Oak, and Carleton University’s continued commitment to accessibility and a more inclusive society through the READ Initiative.