On November 22, 2015, Carleton’s READ Initiative was proud to welcome members of the Propeller Dance and Peggy Baker Dance Projects in the FluxDelux Workshop, inviting everyone of every skill level to come participate in a new expression of dance.  The workshop was created to be an all-inclusive environment, where persons of disabilities and pedestrians of the Carleton Community come together to express themselves through dance.

CParticipants on the Dance Floorreated in Toronto, Canada, Peggy Baker Dance Projects is a charitable non-profit organization, committed to bringing experiences of significance, personal connection, and transformative potential to their audience and dancers using the power and beauty dance.  Sharing the experience with Peggy Baker Dance Projects is the Propeller Dance.  The Propeller Dance has been an innovator in the field of contemporary integrated dance and diverse performance practices in Canada.  Dedicated to their slogan, “If you can breathe, you can dance”, the Propeller Dance excels in creating an inclusive environment, teaching, performing and presenting integrative dance to show the brilliance of their form through teamwork.FluxDelux Participants

Combining the style of contemporary dance and the latest media technology, FluxDelux (Created by Jacob Neidzwiecki, dancer and choreographer for Peggy Baker) delivers movement instructions to the dancers and wheelchair users via the app and headphones.  Even without the app, everyone was able to participate just by observing those who had instructions, and reciprocate their movements.  Participants of all abilities can came together to create a spontaneous work of art.

Special recognition to members of Propeller Dance and Peggy Baker Dance Project, who flew from Toronto, for organizing and instructing the workshop.  Participants danced through the afternoon, ending in big smiles and applause.