Image of David Phipps, Cathy Malcolm Edwards, Jessie Gunnell, Jeffrey Edwards (on screen)

David Phipps, Cathy Malcolm Edwards, Jessie Gunnell, Jeffrey Edwards (on screen), present a workshop at the 2023 CCRA Conference in St. John’s, Newfoundland. 

In May 2023, members of Carleton’s Accessibility Institute team travelled to St. Johns, Newfoundland to deliver an engaging workshop titled, EDI, eh (EDIA)? How does accessibility factor in? at the 2023 Canadian Conference on Research Administration (CCRA).

The CCRA conference (previously known as the CARA National Conference) is a national conference that offers professionals working in research administration a rich of opportunity for professional development, learning, and networking with peers from across Canada.

In this workshop, participants were guided through an inquiry-based workshop that highlighted what inclusive and accessible practises may look like, particularly through the lens of emotional intelligence. Participants were able to address key questions about establishing EDIA practises, such as what EDIA means to your practice, what accessibility enablers might look like, and what barriers do you face in your role that might impact others?

Participants from the Accessibility Institute

  • Cathy Malcolm-Edwards, Lead, Coordinated Accessibility Strategy (CAS) Implementation
  • Jessie Gunnell, Projects Officer