1. Project Summary
  2. Accessibility Institute Contributors
  3. Final Report
  4. Contact

Project Summary

The Accessibility Institute collaborated on an initiative led by the Inclusive Design Research Centre at OCAD University to examine the accessibility of the digital tools and systems used in the workplace.

The objective of the project was to ensure that current and emerging technology and digital systems, as well as their associated practices, meet the needs of and enable work for people with disabilities, with a focus on systems used by organizations regulated by the Accessible Canada Act, Bill C-81.

As a supporting partner, the Accessibility Institute contributed to the project by serving as a member of the advisory board and providing subject matter experience.

Project insights from scans, monthly partner meetings and 12 co-design sessions generated a series of recommendations and considerations for Accessibility Standards Canada on how to prevent accessibility barriers at work from information and communication systems and inform the development of standards related to technology and disability.

Visit the Inclusive Design Research Centre Equitable Digital Systems webpage for more information about the co-design process and project outcomes.

Accessibility Institute Contributors

Boris Vukovic
Jessica Dumelie
Mirvat Sanaallah

Final Report

Equitable Digital Systems Research Report (English)

Equitable Digital Systems Research Report (French)


For inquiries about the Accessibility Institute’s involvement in this project, please contact Boris Vukovic.