Here is an opportunity for you to gain financial assistance during your studies.

DJ ROZ is offering two scholarships for black students:

$300 for a student in a non-STEM program
$500 for a student in a STEM program

“Growing up as a black male in a single-parent household in New York I’m aware of some of the struggles that arise in our black communities. Even at a young age I’ve always wanted to help create a positive change in the lives of people in my community. I believe that investment in education can have one of the most profound impacts in our community which has led me to create this scholarship.”

If you are registered as a full-time student at Carleton University or the University of Ottawa during the 2019-2020 school year, (2nd year and above) and are in good academic standing, you are eligible to apply!

2nd year applicants must have a minimum CGPA of 9.5/12.0 (or the equivalent) and a 10.0/12.0 GPA (or the equivalent) for the winter semester
3rd and 4th year applicants must have a CGPA of 9.0/12.0 (or its equivalent) and a 9.5/12.0 (or the equivalent) for the winter semester

If you meet these requirements, simply create a 5 to 8-minute video to justify how the money will benefit you, and how you intend to evoke change within your community. Be sure to introduce yourself by stating your name, program, academic standing, etc.

Submissions must be emailed to between October 1st and January 10th. You can include a link to your video via Dropbox, Google Drive, YouTube, Instagram, etc. – or you may insert your video directly within your email. Your email must include your name, age, phone number, current academic year, and an attachment or screenshot of your transcript. More information may be requested for validation.

Winners will be announced in February 2020. Best of luck to all! #BlackExcellence