We are pleased to announce that the Institute of African Studies will be welcoming a new faculty colleague this summer, Dr. Chambi Chachage.

Dr. Chachage is an African scholar (field: African History/Political Economy) currently completing a postdoctoral fellowship at the Princeton Institute for International and Regional Studies (PIIRS) at Princeton University. He earned his PhD in 2018 at Harvard with a dissertation examining the intersectionality of class, race, and gender in the production of captains of commerce and industry in Africa. Drawing from interactions between Dar es Salaam and other commercial cities in East Africa, South Asia, and Western Europe, Dr. Chachage’s work underscores the centrality of culture and capital in stratifying, racializing, and gendering businesspeople in urban spaces during the colonial, socialist, and neoliberal eras.

Dr. Chachage’s research areas also include the role of African national culture(s) in shaping the development of capitalism and socialism among postcolonial African states during the Cold War and the ways in which entrepreneurs and technologists of African descent have dealt with racial capitalism in their efforts to find innovative solutions to the historical problems that face Africa and its diaspora. His interests also include African digital humanities and social movements. Along with his important co-edited book, Africa’s Liberation: The Legacy of Nyerere (Pambazuka Press, 2010), Dr. Chachage is author of numerous articles and book chapters. He also brings extensive experience as a policy analyst and consultant with numerous NGOs in Tanzania on such topics as land dispossession, social inequality, and gender justice.

We look forward to welcoming Dr. Chachage to IAS and to Carleton in July.