Professor Emeritus at Yale University, Edmund Morgan was one of the leading American historians of his generation, specializing in colonial America. He earned his Ph.D. at Harvard in 1942 under the direction of Perry Miller, and went on to teach at Chicago, and Brown before settling at Yale in 1955 until his retirement there in 1986. During his long career, Morgan published over 20 books, including The birth of the Republic (1956), The Puritan Dilemma: the story of John Winthrop (1958), The American Revolution: two centuries of interpretation (1965), and American slavery, American freedom: the ordeal of colonial Virginia (1965). Aside from his early book on Winthrop, Morgan was a keen biographer, writing studies of Ezra Stiles (1962), Roger Williams (1967), George Washington (1980), and Benjamin Franklin (2002). His obituary in the New York Times can be found at: