Together with the Centre for American Studies at the University of Western Ontario, the RCAS publishes the online journal NeoAmericanist. And volume 6, number 2 is not available at: This edition includes Jacqueline M. Allain’s “The demolition of public housing in American cities,” Laurel Rogers on “Martrydom used for a practical purpose: narrative construction of militant U.S. suffragists as martyrs,” Annika Christensen’s “Row with Roosevelt in the good ship USA: constructing fitness and disability through song in FDR’s 1932 campaign,” and Adrian Zita-Bennett’s “Champion of the ‘Forgotten man?’: FDR and the 1932 election.” There are also reviews of Jennifer Ratner-Rosenhagen’s American Nietzsche, Alissa Burger’s The Wizard of Oz as American Myth, and Robert Kagan’s The world America made.