Recent advances in biochemistry are firmly rooted in the use of high throughout technologies to determine the functional aspects of macromolecules. While genomics aims to increase our understanding of an organism’s entire genome, proteomics aims to reveal the structure and function of extensive networks of interacting proteins that make up the entire complement of proteins produced by an organism.
- Dr. Jenny Bruin (Diabetes, islet biology)
- Dr. Shelley Hepworth (Flower signalling & development)
- Dr. Bruce McKay (Genomic analysis of cancer treatment)
- Dr. Owen Rowland (Wax biosynthesis)
- Dr. Myron Smith (Nonself recognition)
- Dr. Ken Storey (Freeze tolerance)
- Dr Heath MacMillan (Functional genomics of stress)
- Dr. Kyle Biggar (Protein biochemistry)
- Dr. Ashkan Golshani (Protein interaction networks)
- Dr. Nicolas Rodrigue (Protein structure and molecular evolution)
- Dr. Jeff Smith (Mass spectrometry)