Ivan F Dumka, PhD candidate (University of Victoria), CETD and OSE (European Social Observatory) intern, presents the findings of a research project led by Amy Verdun and Donna Wood comparing social policy coordination in Canada and the European Union, recently published in Canadian Public Administration. This research argues that despite their differences, Canada and the EU face similar challenges in coordinating between different levels of government in social policy and they might even learn something from each other.

This session features expert interventions by Bea Cantillon (University of Antwerp and Director of the Herman Deleeck Centre for Social Policy) and Amandine Crespy (l’Université libre de Bruxelles) , with an address by Philippe Lamberts (MEP Group of Greens/European Free Alliance) on social and economic governance in multi-level systems.

This event was hosted by the European Social Observatory (OSE) (www.ose.be). For more information on the event and to view the agenda and background documents, see here. An audio podcast of the keynote address and expert interventions is available for download at http://ose.be/EN/publications/podcast.htm.