Past Event! Note: this event has already taken place.

CANCELLED: Research Seminar: “Federal Democracy and Contemporary Policy Challenges: Preserving Autonomy and Managing Interdependence”

March 27, 2020 at 12:00 PM to 2:00 PM

Location:3302 Richcraft Hall

******Please note this event is canceled until further notice.******

The Jean Monnet Network on EU-Canada Relations is pleased to host a research seminar, “Federal Democracy and Contemporary Policy Challenges: Preserving Autonomy and Managing Interdependence”, with visiting scholars Arthur Benz (Technical University Darmstadt) and Joerg Broschek (Wilfred Laurier University). The seminar will be hosted on Friday, March 27, 2020, from 12:00-14:00, in room 3302, Richcraft Hall, Carleton University (campus map link here).

About the seminar: In multi-level (including federal) systems, such as the EU and Canada, powers are both divided and shared. They are divided to make democracy work at different levels of government. But when governments apply their powers, they have to share them to manage interdependence between policies. The conflict between autonomy and coordinated governance arises in many policy fields. In Europe, for example, this dynamic has become prevalent in the area of trade policy, where sub-federal units in Germany, Austria or Belgium increasingly opposed new “mega” free trade agreements like TTIP or CETA. While similar conflicts over trade policy have waned in Canada, recurring disputes over energy and climate change policy suggest that the tension between autonomy and interdependence is nonetheless significant as well. Consequently, the politicization of debates in areas like trade, energy or environmental policy debates at the sub-federal level not only can obstruct coordination within federal systems in North America and Europe, but also affect international policy itself.

This research seminar aims to discuss theoretical implications of the concept of federal democracy and the ways in which governments have coped with the inherent institutional conflicts in various policy arenas.

This event is available to graduate and postgraduate students, as well as faculty. A light lunch will be served. Registration is required. Please RSVP by email at:

EU flag logo and acknowledgement "With the support of the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union"

This event is an activity of the Jean Monnet Network on EU-Canada Relations, supported by the Erasmus + Programme of the European Union, by Carleton University, and by Jean Monnet Network partner universities.