The Green Revolving Fund Projects Announced

The Green Revolving Fund committee would like to thank all members of the Carleton University community for their participation and interest in in the second annual Green Revolving Fund call for ideas. The fund continues to promote and ensure wider sustainability ideas from the Carleton community can be implemented.

In total, 19 projects were received and reviewed by the Green Revolving Fund Committee. All projects provided clear links to environmental and sustainability action on campus and included ideas around energy reduction, waste, transport and sustainable procurement.

After careful consideration the following projects were selected for funding:

  1. Intelligent Indoor Climate Control – Burak Gunay

Utilizing the Building Automation System, existing research within the Canal Building has determined that in occupied offices, occupancy rates were below eight per cent. This project looks at extending the temperature setback periods to specifically decrease space heating and cooling loads. Programming changes will then learn reoccurring occupancy patterns (i.e. arrival and departure times) in individual offices and adapt the setback schedules (when heating/cooling is needed) accordingly, thus reducing energy use and costs.

  1. Residence Building Dashboard – Laura Storey

The project will enable the installation of static energy dashboards in all residence buildings and a touch screen display in Residence Commons. This will enable residents, occupants and visitors to view energy and water use in real time, and waste recycling data to be displayed monthly. The screens will also be utilized to showcase sustainability events and projects on campus and sustainability tips and ideas. Energy savings will be realized through behavioural efficiency changes.

  1. Computer Sleep Software – Steve Sweeney

Installation of power strip bars and implement computer sleep software to reduce electricity consumption. Low project costs will realize a payback on the investment in less than two years and ongoing energy cost savings.

These projects will be implemented during 2015, ensuring the benefit of energy and carbon savings, and community sustainability engagement will be realized as soon as possible. All project updates and a full list of all submissions can be found at: .

Congratulations to all and thank you to everyone who participated. The committee looks forward to promoting and receiving submissions for the Green Revolving Fund in September 2015.

Tim Sullivan

Assistant Vice-President (Financial Services)

Chair, Green Revolving Fund Committee