Race Poverty & the Environment
Race, Poverty and the Environment (RP&E) is Urban Habitat’s national journal of social and environmental justice, founded in 1990. Topics that RP&E has addressed in recent years include: racism and the foreclosure crisis; arts and culture as an economic development strategy; national campaigns led by low-wage workers that combine job-site organizing, government policy initiatives and popular education; and political power and the changing demographic complexion of the United States. The journal’s style and content appeal to diverse readerships that include students and academics, grassroots activists, progressive policymakers, and philanthropists.
Ethics & the Environment is an interdisciplinary forum for theoretical and practical articles, discussions, reviews, and book reviews in the broad area encompassed by environmental ethics, including conceptual approaches in ethical theory and ecological philosophy, such as deep ecology and ecological feminism as they pertain to such issues as environmental education and management, ecological economies, and ecosystem health.
Social Justice is a quarterly journal that was founded in 1974. It seeks to promote human dignity, equality, peace, and genuine security. Its early focus on crime, police repression, social control, and the penal system has expanded to encompass globalization, human and civil rights, border, citizenship, and immigration issues, environmental victims and health and safety concerns, social policies affecting welfare and education, ethnic and gender relations, and persistent global inequalities. The journal has framed its vision of social justice with an understanding of the international dimensions of power, inequality, and injustice. It presents divergent viewpoints in a readable fashion for concerned citizens with an interest in current affairs, while including ample notes and references to satisfy the academic reader.
Energy & Environment is an interdisciplinary journal inviting energy policy analysts, natural scientists and engineers, as well as lawyers and economists to contribute to mutual understanding and learning, believing that better communication between experts will enhance the quality of policy, advance social well-being and help to reduce conflict. The journal encourages dialogue between the social sciences as energy demand and supply are observed and analysed with reference to politics of policy-making and implementation. The rapidly evolving social and environmental impacts of energy supply, transport, production and use at all levels require contribution from many disciplines if policy is to be effective.
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change
“Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change offers a unique platform for exploring current and emerging knowledge from the many disciplines that contribute to our understanding of this phenomenon – environmental history, the humanities, physical and life sciences, social sciences, engineering and economics. This publication has been developed in association with the Royal Meteorological Society and the Royal Geographical Society (with IBG) in the UK and provides an important new encyclopedic reference for climate change scholarship and research. It also acts as a forum for gaining a wider set of perspectives about how climate change is understood, analyzed and contested around the world.”
“Nature Climate Change publishes original research across the physical and social sciences and strives to synthesize interdisciplinary research. The journal follows the standards for high-quality science set by all Nature-branded journals and is committed to publishing top-tier original research in all areas relating to climate change through a fair and rigorous review process, access to a broad readership, high standards of copy editing and production, rapid publication and independence from academic societies and others with vested interests.”
American Journal on Climate Change
American Journal of Climate Change (AJCC) is an international scientific journal dedicated to the publication of high-quality research articles, short communications and review papers on all aspects of climate change and related areas. The objectives of this journal are to chronicle the important publications in the rapidly growing field of climate change and to stimulate research in the area.
“Environmental Humanities is an international, open-access journal that aims to invigorate current interdisciplinary research on the environment. In response to a growing interest around the world in the many questions that arise in this era of rapid environmental and social change, the journal publishes outstanding scholarship that draws humanities disciplines into conversation with each other, and with the natural and social sciences.”
“Resilience is a digital, peer-reviewed journal of the Environmental Humanities. It provides a forum for scholars from across humanities disciplines to speak to one another about their shared interest in environmental issues, and to plot out an evolving conversation about what the humanities contributes to living and thinking sustainably in a world of dwindling resources.”
“Acting on Climate Change: Solutions from Canadian Scholars identifies ten policy orientations illustrated by actions that could be immediately adopted to kick-start Canada’s necessary transition towards a low carbon economy and sustainable society.”